{ 5- library }

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hermionegranger has entered the chatroom.

blimeym8 has entered the chatroom.

hermionegranger: Ron, why are you logged in? Did you finish your potions assignment?

blimeym8: agh hermione don't remind me😭

blimeym8: btw, you know you can change ur name right

blimeym8: it doesn't gotta be ur actual name

hermionegranger: Of course I know that, Ron. Do you think I'm daft? It's just easier if you put your name.

blimeym8: whatever floats your boat herm

griff has entered the chatroom.

griff: quick! need advice

hermionegranger: If it's about potions, feel free to join me in the library.

blimeym8: what!! your invite him and not me😡

hermionegranger: But I did invite you, Ron.

blimeym8: you didn't say anything about going to a library!!

hermionegranger: I apologize. I thought it was implied, sweetie.💕

blimeym8: oh okay💕

griff: hello!

griff: still here, if you don't mind.

hermionegranger: Oh, sorry Harry. What do you need advice with?

blimeym8: i sweAR IF THIS IS ABOUT GINNY

griff: what? no!

griff: well, possibly, but I really doubt it

blimeym8: how in the world is that a 'possibly'

griff: well

griff: there's this person I met on the msger and

hermionegranger: Oh dear.

griff: I really like them, but they suddenly got really icy and shut me out for no reason?

griff: now we haven't texted for two days

griff: idk what to do...😓

blimeym8: like them? as in?

griff: a friend.

blimeym8: oh gotcha

hermionegranger: Do you know anything about them? Name, year, house, appearance, gender, etc?

griff: 8th year like us

blimeym8: and?

griff: that's it...

hermionegranger: It sounds to me like you're more of an accquaintance. So why are you so worried?

blimeym8: yanno u can just talk to us rite

griff: ...

griff: well, yeah... you both are my best friends

griff: but after all that's happened

griff: i can't explain it.

hermionegranger: No, you're doing fine.

griff: i just need someone who wasn't there with me last year

griff: to talk to.

hermionegranger: Yes, that's logical. Like a confidant?

blimeym8: confidant? no he's not talking abt being confidant?

hermionegranger: Laugh out loud. You are talking about confident, not confidant.

blimeym8: it's 'lol' not 'laugh out loud'...

blimeym8: brb

blimeym8 has left the chatroom.

hermionegranger: Anyway, Harry, I think your best bet is to just talk to them again.

griff: thats it?

hermionegranger: Yes. Simple yet effective. After all, you can't confront him/her/them face to face.

griff: true...


blimeym8 has entered the chatroom.

hermionegranger: You left to search up 'confidant', didn't you?

blimeym8: you were rite😣 sory

hermionegranger: Aw, no need to apologize.

blimeym8: ily❣️

griff: gotta blast

griff has left the chatroom.

blimeym8: whats up w him lol

hermionegranger: Well, obviously he's stressed about this new person and possibly growing feelings for them but not knowing who they are.

blimeym8: ew

hermionegranger: Or he could be stressed about homework. Speaking of, do you want to join me in the library now?

blimeym8: you know i do babe

blimeym8: 😉on my way

blimeym8 has left the chatroom.

griff has entered the chatroom.

griff: wait!

griff: thank you, hermione.

hermionegranger: You're welcome, Harry.👍🏻

hermionegranger: Did I use the messaging emoticons correctly?

griff: yeah😂

griff has left the chatroom.

hermionegranger has left the chatroom.

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