{ 39- volatile }

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Appearances had never been as important as it was now to Harry-- he was more determined to look better than he had in every interview or advent he'd starred in. Combined.

It wasn't such an easy feat, as his hair was more tangled than a pair of earbuds shoved in the bottom of a bag for a year; moping around the past few days had done his hygiene no justice. He reeked of despair and drought, a combination that was scarcely erased by even an hour-long shower; eyes drooping still after a night's worth of sleep. Given, he'd stayed up for a considerable period of time fretting over any possible outcomes of the following morning, the morning that was now closer than ever. It was currently six, still half an hour to bite his nails before heading down to the corridors below, where he'd inevitably end up meeting someone.

Who that would be? Only time would tell for Harry Potter, time that was ticking much too slow. He tore his intimidating gaze away from the menacing clock, mentally telling it to shove off and leave him be. Not that he meant it, though, because he couldn't get his mind off of what was impending.

Harry jolted up from his bed, pacing around the bedroom before pausing, head resting on the door frame while taking in shaky breaths. He gulped and tore open the door with a sweaty palm, running down the stairs and into the common room as if something was chasing him-- fate, perhaps.

He lightly dusted his finger along the table, barren of life now that none other than him roamed the carpeted room. It held a chessboard, the queen askew on her side; Harry pushed the lonesome piece back up and next to the king, tilting his head with a slight smile. It looked neat and aesthetic now, nothing wrong with it; he flipped the board over and let the pieces fall to the ground with soft clunks. His foot lazed around, knocking a few pieces back and forth before crouching down to place them back onto the board. This time, he arranged them in a noncommittal pattern, neither noticeably neat or messy, aligned or unaligned.

A gust of wind entered the common room and he shivered, huddling up in a nearby blanket as he hopped from one foot to the other in a sense of anxiety. He couldn't sit; that was too simple, it would make him even more jumpy. Instead, he walked back and forth, fingers skimming the black screen of his phone longingly. Normally, he would get on and chat without a doubt in his mind, but today... today was different. He could feel it; it was almost like the old adage of not seeing the bride before the wedding. Not that they were getting married, of course, but the nervosity he felt was well comparable to that.

"What to wear? Keep the navy shirt, perhaps, or my robes? It's Christmas, I should wear my Weasley sweater-- no, that's too overbearing... Would hiss really care about what I look like? Well, he's a photographer, so-- no. I'm thinking too much into this..." Harry mumbled to himself, eyes squinting as he overran himself with contradicting thoughts. After a few seconds, he decided to go along with his previous decision and keep on the navy shirt he'd chosen. He was typically an advocate for change, but today, as he'd already realized, was slanted. It wasn't as monotonous as throwing on his robes and heading down to breakfast, following the same routine he'd been doing for years during school time.

He was startled by his phone lighting up, notifying him of receiving a text. He immediately paused in his pacing, a thin smile etching onto his face as he saw who it was from.


smolersnek has joined the chatroom.

smolersnek: griff

smolersnek: griff

smolersnek: im calling this neglect 😑😑😑

griff has joined the chatroom.

smolersnek: this is bad

smolersnek: very very bad

griff: ?

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