{6- bother }

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griff has entered the chatroom.

griff: .

griff: .

griff: .

griff: .

hisshissmfer has blocked griff.

griff: :(

hisshissmfer has unblocked griff.

hisshissmfer: what

hisshissmfer: did you just

hisshissmfer: hack into my phone

griff: ;)


hisshissmfer: Why?

hisshissmfer: Why bother with me? Is it just a game to you? The mystery of my presence just another case to solve?

hisshissmfer: ... what in twenty years? You'll have forgotten me. Everyone will forget each other, the conversations shared, the laughs and tears alike as one lost memory. All will be faint shimmering slivers of a rememberance that is of no relevance. But what will they remember? Does is even matter?

hisshissmfer: It's not poetry, it's the blunt truth that many choose to ignore. So why bother?

griff has sent a call to hisshissmfer.

hisshissmfer has accepted the call.

hisshissmfer has muted their side of the call.

{ harry's p.o.v. }

"Hey... hiss. I can see you muted the, er, call. Well, I- I expected that. Hmm... I suppose you can't recognise my voice. It's changed a lot... gotten...," Harry sighs slightly, "quieter. Subdued. Don't talk much in class."

He was only met with silence.

"To answer your question 'why bother'-- 'why bother'?! Because you're worth it, everyone is worth it. We can all change, so focusing on the past won't help."

Harry shifted his eyes from the floor to the ceiling, trying to think of what to say.

"I guess what you're... what you're really asking is why you in particular? It's not as if I believe in soul mates, but I feel like... we almost had a connection. I need someone to talk to, and I think you might have experienced some similar things as I did, so...

"Please just, just give us another chance. There's no one left to turn to.

"I'm not perfect, and you're not perfect, and no one in the world is, so--" Harry was cut off talking by a 'beep'. The other chat messenger had unmuted themself.

"Alright. Thank you... griff." The unknown person whispered deeply, sending shivers down Harry's spine. It was too quick to discern anything from, so Harry didn't gain any knowledge about the other messenger, yet he still felt content.

The call ended abruptly, cancelled from the hiss's end. Harry smiled down at his phone and chuckled. This was one person he was delighted to get to know.

- Hogwarts Messenger - (drarry) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now