{ 25- logical comfort }

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hermionegranger: Harry. Stop sulking in your room-- the Antis weren't that convincing.

griff: that's not what I'm sulking about but thanks for reminding me

hermionegranger: Oh, I am sincerely sorry to you. What is bothering you, if not the protests?

griff: nevermind that, we should discuss whats going on

hermionegranger: I will agree to your terms as long as you will explain later.

griff: fine

hermionegranger: I think we need to change our approach. As the adage states, actions speak louder than words. We have been doing well in all meetings, having sufficient parts of learning and interactive activities. However, the people that are not in the Hogwarts Army are beginning to rebel louder because they believe we are, to quote another adage, 'all talk and no walk'.

griff: so basically we need to speed it up and really try to make an impact?

hermionegranger: I firmly believe that expedition will help with the process. After all, the human body wouldn't be able to function without enzymes.

griff: ? uh sure it can't

griff: but the thing is

griff: it's not just the slytherins who are protesting

griff: there are ALL of the houses

hermionegranger: Well, naturally, one should not expect a particular house to rebel and not others. Keep in mind that students are placed in houses based on values, not traits. Contrariwise, I would be heavily surprised if only Slytherins were protesting.

griff: that makes sense

griff: you're so smart herms kms

hermionegranger: Meet at the common room in ten?

griff: roger that

hermionegranger: This is Buckwheat. The clubhouse is open.

griff: excuse me?

hermionegranger: Oh, I apologize. I thought we were pretending to be on walkie-talkies and quoted a muggle movie.

griff: ah, that's alright

griff: see ya

griff has left the chatroom.

hermionegranger has left the chatroom.

~ ~ ~

A/N: Okay whooooah when did 700 reads happen?! Thank you! I wanted to pop in and say that this book will be ending soon, probably less than forty chapters. I originally intended on it to be longer, though.

That's because, especially in Drarry fics, I believe that the actual act of falling in love should be emphasized in romance books rather than the characters jumping each other upon meeting. With that said, I really don't want to prolong this book farther than needed, so please just know that many chats are going on behind the chapters, so they do have a deeper connection than shown.

And that's all! Thank you for reading this far!

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