{ 7- golden boy }

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hisshissmfer is online.

griff has joined the chatroom.

griff: well, hello there.

hisshissmfer: hello, griff.

griff: how are you doing

hisshissmfer: a-okay ;)

griff: lucky

hisshissmfer: ?

griff: i'm not looking forward to today

hisshissmfer: same😂

griff: why not, my precious?

hisshissmfer: first off, do NOT call me precious, and secondly, I have to watch the golden boy give a speech

griff: alright, precious.

hisshissmfer: 😑

griff: who do you mean by 'the golden boy'?

hisshissmfer: are you really that dense

hisshissmfer: golden boy as in the star of the school, harry potter? who's giving a speech about how 'valiant' we all were in the war

hisshissmfer: and how hogwarts is taking steps in unity, while it's all bull and nothing like that is happening

griff: i dont follow?

hisshissmfer: i thought you were in eighth year too! if so, you must be oblivious to everything around you to not notice all the bullying going on.

hisshissmfer: all the slytherins who returned, or students will questionable families, hurt and pushed around

hisshissmfer: yet harry potter must think he's better than everyone else still. seriously, its as if only gryffindors exist in his world. to me, the war with he-who-must-not-be-named is over, but there's another war very much alive in the halls of our "safe school."

griff: yeah...

griff: harry potter is so stupid

griff: i mean, to think that everything revolved around him

griff: and getting everyone he loved killed...

hisshissmfer: ?? do you know him personally

griff: no, he's just... a memory.

griff: i need to go.

hisshissmfer: if i offended you, sorry, but I'm not exactly fond of him

griff: no, i agree with you

griff: he should wake up to his surroundings

griff has left the chatroom.

hisshissmfer: what was that about?😓

hisshissmfer has left the chatroom.

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