• Lydia calling him "Stilinski" and Stiles calling her "Lyds"
•Stiles guilt tripping Lydia by using the line: "I've had a crush on you since the third goddamn grade!"
•Stydia fights that always end with one of them saying sorry two minutes later. Stiles apologizes with soft kisses on cheeks and Lydia with tears on his chest.
•there's only been one huge mishap, Stiles constantly talking to Scott about Lydia for the week they hadn't been seeing each other. "I'll be with her or I'll die. There aren't many other options...actually there are no other options."
•"I miss Allison" hugs
•holding hands under the lunch table
•Stiles never being afraid or embarrassed to express his feelings. "And I love you. Always have always will."
•"no I'm right" arguments
•"the hell do you mean we have to interrupt potential sex to fight a demon."
•Lydia being sarcastic and telling him he played a great game even though he was benched
•Stiles knowing Lydia's tell and using it to his advantage
•"the notebook"
"Star Wars"•she knows the difference between his I love you look and his possibly horny look
•library trips where Stiles gets lazy and rests his head on her shoulder while she reads
• "paint me like one of your French girls."
"Stiles, shut up."•adventuring through the woods
•"is that mistletoe?"
•Stiles eating half of their popcorn before the movie even starts
•Lydia's sick and Stiles does anything and everything to make her feel better
•"it's three in the morning"
"I used to be a possessed insomniac, I get relapses."•"you can't mix Red Bull with coffee"
•Stiles watching Lydia sleep. Not even in a creepy type way but in a "you're laying on my chest and I'm trying really hard not to move and aw your eyelashes are fluttering, must be a good dream" type way
•at thanksgiving they go around the table and say what they're thankful for
"And I'm thankful for my beautiful wife and her beautiful family."
"Stiles, we aren't married."
"Well not yet. I'm aiming for next year."•arguing and Lydia stands on a chair to be taller than him which only results in Stiles tugging and kissing her hands while she yells
•"you're hogging the blanket," *sigh* "again."
•making out on the couch but Stiles is on the edge so he was bound to fall off anyway
•after a fight Stiles sleeps on the couch only to wake up with Lydia snuggled up next to him
•Scott trying to set up Stiles and Lydia but they're already secretly dating. One day he walks in on them kissing and brags to everyone how good of a match maker he is
•"where are you going?"
"Scott needs my banshee skills."
*realizes it's supernatural* "well I'll come with you....for protection reasons..."•dancing in the living room late at night
•"can we watch The Aveng–"
"Stiles no."
Authors note:Boom
Comment, read, enjoy!