If you're lonely come be lonely with me
LonelyShe laughed, some pretty symphony to fill the air like oxygen that he would eventually take into his own lungs. It was early in the morning (or late at night, if you prefer to think of it that way), the sun not yet up. She wasn't drunk but just a bit tipsy, enough to slip off her heels and drown herself in one of his sweaters, even if it wasn't cold. He loved how her hums mixed with the soft voice of the song and the way her hair was flipped to one side. She wasn't even startled when he had walked in the room, the long day of FBI training wearing him down but the girl suddenly tugging at his arms giving him a bit of energy. Lydia pulled at Stiles' tie, knowing he hated the thing, as well as the keycard that hung by a lanyard around his neck.
"Come dance with me." She beckoned. He wanted to say he was tired, mostly because he actually was and their bed was screaming his name, but she looked so pretty. He couldn't resist.With a sigh and a godawful smile, he held out his hand for her to take, to drag him across the floor with her. She stepped in close to his chest, his hands immediately falling to her hips as he sighed. But her smile made up for it. With lazy eyes, he watched her fingers begin to unbutton his crisp white shirt.
"Hard day?" she asked.
Again, he sighed. "I almost messed up an entire case. . .got in trouble."
Lydia frowned and apologized. She began to softly kiss at his chest, attempting to sooth him. So he pulled her closer, buried his nose in her auburn curls and swayed them to the soft music."You'll get it. I know you will." She reassured.
"How is it I knew everything in high school and now suddenly I get it all wrong?"
"Don't worry about it." She tried to distract him. "Don't worry about it and dance with your girlfriend."
So he did. He smiled softly and spun her about and listened really hard when she tried to hide her singing. He loved her singing. And he really was tired, but if dancing with her meant he would lose a bit of sleep, he'd stay awake for the rest of his life.
Authors note:This side of paradise by Coyote Theory
This song fills my lungs with happiness and makes me want to stay up until three in the morning and try on millions of sweaters and fluffy socks.
I hope you learn to love it too.
Comment, read, enjoy!