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" Hello you must be Taehyung , my name is Dr Jeon Jungkook "

He smiled showing his bunny teeth .

It's cute .

" Hello " I bowed .

" You don't need to be formal . I checked your profile and you're around my age so just call me hyung "

" Ah okay "

There was an awkward silence for a moment

" Do you have have Mysophobia ? "
Jungkook broke the silence

My eyes widened . How can he know I have that ?

" It seems really bad "

" How can you tell that I have it ? "

" Because I can see some blood seeping through your gloves and I thought it's probably because they're chapped from washing them too much . "

I took off my gloves and noticed the blood from my hands . I want to wash it but Jungkook help me stop the blood with some antiseptic and plastered it carefully.

. . . . .

Sometimes I thought about it . This is normal for me after all . It wasn't a lie that I think I don't need to be cured . It becomes really hard to breathe on days like this like today

Am I sure that it would become easier to breathe if I was cured

" Taehyung "

I snapped out from reality and looked at him

" I can help to cure your disease easily "

" How ? "

Suddenly he almost puts his hand on my hand but I accidentally slapped his hands away . It was a bad mistake .

" I won't touch you again, for now. But I can help you overcome it by doing 10 things that you are reluctant to do . And please make the ones you're least reluctant to do number 1 .

So an act you think you absolutely can't do is number 10 and if you put little effort into it and still can do it , it's number one. "

I start writing it down from the ones that I maybe can do until the ones I feel I can't.

Jungkook looks at the things I rarely or can't really do .

" Great . Now how about we do number 1 and 2 today . "

Jungkook stands up and heads to the door

I tilted my head

" What do you mean hyung ? "

" We will start with the first two today since today I work half day . Let's go "

" A-ah o-okay "

" How about you opened the door for me "

I suddenly realized that was the first thing I wrote

1) Touching the doorknob

I didn't want to do it but I want to overcome my disease.

I stand up and head to the door while Jungkook standing behind me . My hands almost reach at the doorknob but I stop thinking about how many dirty germs around it .

" Taehyung you won't get anything if you just stand there "

Jungkook whisper in my ear making my heart skipped a beat and was flinch by his hot breathe near my ear . I immediately opened the door after what he did .

He didn't say anything about what he did and assured me to the door to do my second task

. . . . .

We headed to the cafe and order some drinks well only Jungkook order it while I look at surrounding. It was okay but I'm still caution about germs around me .

" Taehyung "

I immediately looked at Jungkook when he called

" Drink this tea . "

I was shocked because I can't drink at a cafe because I'm not sure if they clean the cups and mugs well .

" I-It's okay I'm not thirsty "

" Taehyung , if you want to overcome it then do it "

After what he says I remember that the second thing I need to was

2) Drink someone else drink .

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