Chapter 1

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Kenna's POV.


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I feel myself falling. My pale white dress turns black as the night and my beautiful long blond hair is now the color of coal.

My wings turn the same color and I feel my heart grow dark. I scream in agony as I race towards the Earth. "IM SORRY!" I scream at the heavens as if that would change my fate. Pain and regret seep from my voice. I never knew that betrayal and dishonesty from the ones I loved would lead me here.

Thunder sounds and a tear slips down my cheek. I feel the wind whip past me as my hair fans out around me like a dark halo and my back meets the earth. A sickening crack is heard as a cloud if brown dust floats around me coloring my pale dress. I let out a soft whimper as I slowly feel my emotions leaving me as my spine slowly mends together.

I groan and stand up, dusting off my dress as I slowly start to walk on shakey legs. I pass a tin and notice my reflection, my dark curly hair reaches my waist and my skin is as pale as paper, my eyes, once a bright vibrant blue, now pale with flecks of red in them. I cringe at my appearance as do many others who pass by me.

I am the epitome of darkness. I make my dark wings invisible and I fold them in, hiding them from prying eyes. My spine pops as my wings fold in and I feel the last shred of emotion leave me as I am completely healed. No remorse, no sadness, no hope, no happiness. Nothing.

It is done. It is all over. I have fallen.

Present- 2018


I growl and swing my head towards the voice. "Excuse you?"

His face holds fear and I smirk in triumph. "Stupid vampire." I seeth as anger courses through me, the cause of it unknown.

"I'm not the stupid one you bitch." He growls fangs extending.

I laugh sadistically. "You see ,vampire, I am trying to change my ways and you," I flick my finger and he flies against the wall, "are not making things easy." I walk up to him and smile a sickly sweet smile.

"Any last words bloodsucker?" I ask. "Go to hell." He spits. I smirk. "Been there love." I drive a vervain laced wooden stake through his heart.

He screams in agony and falls limp. I let him fall and smile happily. "Ouch." I turn towards the voice and smirk. "Hello brother." I say as I look over at the male version of myself. "Kenna." He says his lips set in a thin line. "Another one. Really?" Demitri asks me as he looks at the decayed vampire. I shrug and look over at him. "Did you create him?" I ask. "No, probably one of the lower class vampirea did." He explains.

"That makes more sense." I reply dusting my jeans off. Demitri is my half brother, same father, different mother. Hence why he is a a vampire and I am not, the first vampire to walk this earth.

Vervain wasnt needed but it did make the deed more painful for said bloodsucking leech, helps with the smell as well.

I adjust my black skinny jeans and wipe the dust off of my leather jacket and black crop top as I let out a sigh and dust my hands off.

I tie up my hair and look in the mirror. My eyes are blue with specks of red. The red is courtesy of the darkness that seeps in everyday, more and more, it spreads like a virus and I have yet to find the cure.

I feel a pounding in my head and I curse before giving in and letting him through.

Kenna, I have warned you. Now I shall give you your worst fear. You have broken too many rules. I hear my fathers deep voice growl in my head.

That's pretty judgemental coming from you father. I reply.

My father is king of the underworld and my mother is from heaven. It was a forbidden love and they said that the darkness would consume me and it has.

I was born in the early AD, I love my mother dearly she always made me feel safe. Gabriel the archangel helped raise me, he tried to be the better version of a father and failed. She was forgiven for her forbidden love and I was thrown out for something I didn't do. Which gave the sickening darkness a threshold to sink its teeth into and added fire to the rage inside me 

"Father contacting you?" Demitri asks. I nod and he gives me a grin smile. "Until next time then, try not kill anything else." He announces as he vanishes leaving nothing behind.

Kenna, good luck. He says growling in anger as the connection is cut. I groan in frustration as I climb the stairs to the rooftop of this two star establishment.

I sigh as my mind tries to figure what he could be talking about. Dammit, nothing that I truly feared came to mind.  What is he talking about? I climb up the stairs to the top of the grimey apartment building and breathe in the air letting the moonlight shine over me.

I unfold my wings and take off from the apartment roof top his words running through my head like cold water.


Hey loves. Hope y'all liked this chapter. Please let me know what y'all think of this book.

I love y'all.


Peace out loves.


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