Chapter 29

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"So you said you can't control when you  start see the images?" Demitri asks. I roll my eyes. "Obviously not, that's the whole problem." I ground out.

"Chill out, it was just a question." He replied rolling his eyes. 

"You need to figure out how to catergorize your memories, all the ones from the time you're light was gone, needs to be put in a box in the back of your mind, focus on only the good ones." He instructed. "As much as I liked the dark Kenna, I don't think wolf boy or father would appreciate her appearance again." He added and I punched his arm.

"Shit Kenna." He groaned as he rubbed the spot I had punched.

"Don't be a baby." I mumbled as I tied up my hair. He feigned hurt and I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, well, try to concentrate, try to control which memories you let in, and if it feels like too much, try to pull out." He said.

I nodded and shut my eyes. I sifted through the good and the bad. I tried as best as I could to focus.

"Every memory is like a box or a room. If you pussh hard enough eventually the wall wil fall or the box will give and you will be able to escape your mind." He informed.

I felt pain grow behind my eyes as the darkness started cave in on me. I thought about Jonathan and our future and how if I messed this up; we wouldn't have one.

I felt the darkness push harder and I groaned as my fists clenched.

"Focus, control it!" I heard Dimitri growl.

I pictured my mom which resulted in sadness and I let out a scream as the darkness pushed further.

I felt someones hands on my shoulder and my eyes snapped open to see Dimitri looking at me curiously.

"You were doing so good. What made you falter." He asked. "Mother." I replied.

"I said happy memories, not old distant memories that used to be happy." I got up and dusted off my jeans.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked. He nodded. "Don't fret sister, I believe you'll be able to do this." He responded. "Thanks. For all our sakes Ihope youre right." I replied with a forced smile.

I walked back to the pack house and sat on the couch. I clicked on my phone and saw that it was a little past seven in the morning. The pack should start waking up soon.

My brother and I have and always will be creatures of the night, it's when we are at our best. Being immortal means you don't have to sleep but you can.

The smell of eggs and raw bacon wafted towrds me from the kitchen. No doubt the cook was up.

I felt my stomach churn and I groaned as I ran to the bathroom and emptied out my stomachs contents into the toilet.

I wiped my mouth and sat against the bath tub. I don't get sick, thats another one of the perks of being immortal.

My face paled as a realization hit me. Oh shit.

I quickly stand up and shake my head clear as I exit the bathroom. "Hello my love." I hear Jonathan say as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Hi." I mumble softly.

"Are you ok?" He asks as he kisses my neck softly. "Im fine." I lie. He spins me around and raises an eyebrow. I give him a forced smile qhoch he sees right through.  He grunts in response "fine."

"I'll be in my office for most of today if you need me." He says as he kisses my cheek and walks away.

I hear footsteps come down the stairs and smile as I see Kevin.

Kevin is the beta of the pack. I met him a couple weeks into my arrival here. "Hey kev." I say. He groans as I laugh. He wasn't a morning person.

His sandy blonde curly hair covered his baby blue eyes and of course, like all wolves, he was lacking a shirt which showed off his very built body.

Our mate is vetter looking than this pup. I hear Lilith state. I let out a laugh, I had to agree with her on this one.

"Hey kev?" I ask. "Yes my luna?" He asks as he pours his coffee into a mug. 

"So, I kind of have a problem and I need your help." He puts his hand up to stop me as he sips his coffee.

"Mornings are for coffee and contemplation my dear luna." He replies.

I roll my eyes and punch his shoulder "contemplate that." I growl.

"Ow, don't be such a witch." He growls back  but smiles. "What do you need sweet cheeks?" He asks.

I roll my eyes but smile. "Well, I need you to use your wolfy powers to listen to my stomach." I replied.

He chokes on his coffee "excuse me?" He asks. "Just do it." I ground out.

He looks at me like I'm crazy as he sets down his coffee and walks over to me.

He puts his head near my stomach and I notice his eyes widen. "Holy shit Kenna. Are you?" He asks

I nod as I feel my skin crawl. "I think I am, unless its an alien." I respond. "How is that even possible?" he asks awestruck.

"I dont know. I'll see you later Kev." I reply. Im fucking pregnant was the last thing I thought before I walked out of the kitchen to clear my head.



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