Chapter 28

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I walk downstairs slowly as my head started to spin. I felt my body grow weak as I took the final step down and I grip onto the railing.

I call out for Jonathan as the lights flicker and the room spins more. I felt pain shoot through my head and I let out a scream of pain as images flashed through my head. 

I heard footsteps run towards me and the pain intensified as heat spread through my body and more images flashed.

I felt myself stumble down the last stair and fall onto my knees holding my head as tears fell from the pain. It felt as if I was being ripped in half.

Before it all stopped and I noticed how a strip of the white that had invaded ny hair turned to black and my eyes widened.

I felt my heart beat slow slightly and the pain started again as I felt someone touch my shoulder and my hands flew back to my head.

"Make it stop!" I screamed as I felt myself being picked up. I withered in the persons arms. 

"Help!" I heard Jonathan bellow as we bust through the doors of the hospital as the images started to slow and bits of memories from when I had fallen started to play and the fire raged.

I felt a sharp stab in my arm before darkness enveloped me.


"You're losing the battle daughter." I spun around to face my father as heat surrounded me.

"Explain." I ground out annoyed.

"The battle between the light and the dark in here." He tapped my temple. "I told you this would happen. I personally dont want to see you go back to your dark ways. Despite me being the king of the underland. I want what's best for you." He replied a glint of uneasiness in his eyes.

"How do I win?" I ask softly looking up at him.

"You remind me so much of your mother. So much fight in you. She is the epitome of good, you have more of her inside you than you realize my child." He said as sadness crossed his features before he hid it.

"How. Do. I. Win." I asked again growing frustrated.

His eyes darkened. "Control Kenna, you need to control it, your mind and thoughts have been running wild. Control them or lose your light and your mate. Everything is on the line if you can't win than you will have no one." He growled at me anger flaring in his eyes from my tone.


I looked up at him. "There is so much dark and so little light." I murmured.

"When you were a child, I know I wasn'tpthere physically but I had my ways. Youre stubborn and you always have been. Use your stubbornness to get what you want and remember to be in  control." He said as the anger vanished and he kissed my forehead. "Goodluck my daughter."


An annoyong beep sounded through my head and the smell of cleaners hit my nose.

I felt warmth on both of my hands and I slowly forced my eyes open as my head pounded from the sudden intrusion of the light. 

I looked over to my left to see Jonathan passed out and to my right I saw Demetri looking at me intently.

"What did he say." He asked softly. "Control." I murmured. He nodded and kissed my forehead. "I know I haven't always been a good brother but if I know how to do anything. Its control myself, I can help if you'd like?" He asks. I nod as he stands up.

"Wake up lover boy when I'm out." He replies as he hands me some water and heads towards the door. "When you're ready, call." He said before vanishing.

I took a sip of water before running my hand through jonathans hair.

His head snapped up and I was greeted with blue eyes.

"Hi." I said softly. "Oh god I'm so happy that you're awake." He replied jumping from his chair and kissing me softly.

My head continued to throb and I smiled softly. "How long was I out?" I asked. "About two weeks, you gave Jamie quite a scare. He wouldn't leave your side. He really likes you." He repsonded. "Was Jamie the only one I scared?" I asked raising my eyebrow to him.

"No, you scared the crap out of me the most baby girl." He replied softly as he kissed my hand. "What happened?" He asked.

"Im losing." Was all I said. "Losing what?" He pressed.

"The battle between the light and dark in my mind." I say as I close my eyes and sigh.

He pressed my hand to his lips. "There has to be a way for you to beat this Kenna. I cant lose you." He growled softly.

"There is, I need control. Right now everything is uncategorized and running wild around my head. There is no structure or control. Im not used to having two sides of light and dark. It was usually just one or the other. I have to push the darkness out and that is going to have to be with control." I replied as I pushed my hair out of my face and rubbed my eyes.

"Im here if you need my help. In always here for you. I'll go get the doctor so you can go home." He said standing up and I nodded as a warm feeling spread through my body and I felt myself calm.

I could do this. I know how to be in control. I can do this.




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