Chapter 5

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Kenna's POV -


As I feel myself fall from the third story balcony. I utter words and close my eyes. The heat intensifies and Im falling through the air.

I groan as I land on black sand sighing as I look up at the dark sky. My hands and knees sting from the impact. I stand up slowly and the fire ahead blazes angrily.

I hear screams in the distance, but paid them no mind as I head away from the firey lake. "FATHER!" I yell fury rushing through my body at the events that happened mere seconds ago. I run up the dead grass covered  pathway to my fathers domain.

"Kenna?" He questions curiousity lacing his voice as he steps out of his dark empire with Cerberus by his side.

"Surprise father." I say dusting off my leather jacket and now ripped jeans with a look of hurt and anger on my face.

Mainly anger.

"What are you doing here?" He questions his black hair ruffled slightly and his midnight blue eyes blazing as he raises an eybrow. He was old, really old, and yet he looked like he was in his late twenties.

"Why have you done this to me?!" I growl out. "Giving me a mate for fucks sake!"

"Cut the dramatics Kenna, you broke too many rules and have been warned countless times!" He growls back stepping closer his eyes blazing.

I place his hand over my heart. "Why is it doing this? " I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. "After almost a thousand years, it starts to beat now?!" I ask as frustration sweeps over me. "I'm feeling things I kept at bay for a reason, father." He pusbes a stray hair from my cheek and smiles softly at me.

"You found your mate." Was his vauge reply. "You must go. Your mate is going crazy. You have been gone for a week and I know you know that time goes differently here in the underland." I growl as my wings extend and give my father one last look.

"Fine, but I will be back with more questions that need answers." I say, annoyed at my unanswered questions. "You wouldn't be my daughter if you didn't." He says giving me a smirk.

I fly upwards and close my eyes as I break the surface and cool air surrounds me. I gasp softly and feel my hair swirl around me in the wind as I fold my wings inwardly.

I take in my surroundings and see I am in the forest. I hear a mighty howl in the distance that is full of pain and longing.

The moon is high above my head as the trees cast shadows that dance around me as the wind picks up. I start walking, not really knowing which way to go.

I get lost in my thoughts about what and why this is happening. I hear ferocious growls and then large hands wrap around my small arm.

I notice them as border patrol and smile lazily. "Who are you?!" They growl out. "No one of your concern pup." I say emotionlessly.

"We will see about that when the Alpha gets to you girly." He snarls. Oh yes, please take me to your cheating alpha.

I laugh dryly as they easily carry me due to lack of strength and close my eyes as I take in a breath. Visiting my father always has an impact on me, not ad bad as the first time though. 

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