Chapter 25

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Kennas POV


I clear my throat softly. "So, you know I am a fallen angel, and that me having met my mate means that the light inside me has come back partially?"

He nods and I continue. "I have done horrible things in my past, my light side or my angel is very weak, the darkness that I have had with me for many many years is trying to remain the one in control so to speak." I explain before continuing, "I didnt mean to choke you, it was a flashback and the situation felt so real. My body grew cold and it felt as if the light left me again." I shiver softly.

He stands up and runs a hand through his hair. "I have seen what you have done, but only glimpses, tell me dear Kenna, what was that flashback about." He replies darkly causing me to flinch at his tone.

My eyes widen slightly at how his demeanor changed from broken and hurt to cold and slightly angry.

"I rather not say." I replied softly.

He let out a ferocious growl. "DO NOT BULLSHIT ME KENNA! You say that everytime I ask!" He yells outraged.

I stand up quickly keeping my face void of any emotion. "I need time." I reply trying not to lose control.

His fist flies threw the wall near my head and I knew if he intended to hit me he would have.

My eyes grow dark and I start shaking as I try to keep control, although its sleeping like thread out of a needle.

"You have had nothing but time! I need answers mate!" He practically spits at me.

"FINE!" I screech "You wanna know what happened Kane?! A vampire, it was a vampire an evil ruthless one, that I thought I handled, but he sprung back up like a damn weed and almost killed me! I followed him to a graveyard, ironically enough and killed him dead, he gave me a little token before he left though." I seethed as I showed him the vampire bite from centuries ago.

He started shaking and just like that turned around fled the room. The door closed with a bang before falling to the feound off its hinges.

I felt a hot liquid fall down my face as I sank to the floor in the mess that was once our room. Our room, before my past started to unfold and my mate grew impatient.

I heard another door slam as Jonathan reached his destination and more hot angry tears fell from my eyes.

I wiped them from my eyes and stood up. I walked down the stairs and out of the pack house.

"You look like crap." Demetri states bluntly.

"Yeah, nah shit." I reply coldly as my anger rears its ugly head.

"Was it that mutt? I can go beat him up right now! Just say the word sis!" He offers with an evil glint in his eyes.

"I'm fine, but thanks Demi, a friends waiting for me, I'll see you later." I lied.

He mumbled to himself about how girls were hormonal as we walked in opposite directions.

I walked around for a little bit before hearing a familiar voice. "HELLO LUNA!"

I turned around to see Jamie running from behind. I give him a soft smile as I sit down in the overgrown grass.

He slows his run to a walk as he nears me and his smile disappears. "Oh no, you was cryin misses Luna." He says softly as he reached his little hand forward and wipes away some fresh tears.

"I'm ok buddy, I promise." I assured the little boy as he flopped on the grass in front of me and started to pick at some weeds.

The sun slowly starts to set in the sky as Jamie talks about his day and his friends.

"Does your mommy know where you are?" I ask after he stops rambling.

His eyes widen. "Oh, I don't think they do!"

"Let's get you home." I laugh softly and stand up. I dusted my pants off and he grabbed my hand.

"You can eat food wif us misses Luna." He said happily as we walked to his house.

"You have to ask your parents first." I reminded him and he hummed in agreement and I smiled to myself.

I need food. I thought to myself as we reached his house.


Sorry for the short chapter lovelies.

I love you all.

Next chapter will be longer.


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