Chapter 26

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"Luna!" Jamies parents look at me in shock.

I give them a forced smile. "Kenna, please." I respond

They give me a warm smile and open the door wider for me to go in. I walk in and look around. Their house is warm and cozy but also big.

The smell of food finds its way to my nose and my stomach lets out a growl.

Tammy lets out a small laugh, "help yourself." She tells me as we sit down at the table.

I smile and wait until they had all gotten their food since I am the guest, even though I am higher ranking I still find it respectable.

Before I had met Jonathan I wouldn't have thought twice about respect or family.

Having feelings is different and a bit overwhelming after not having them. 

"Thank you for bringing Jamie home." Tammy says as she cuts a peice of her chicken and smiles.

"Oh, its no problem, he is great company." I reply. I give him a wink and he grins at me.

"I dont think you have met my husband, Mike, yet?" She anounces gesturing to the big man with same color hair as his son.

"No, I dont think I have." I reply.

"I'm Mike, this nuggets father and this angels husband. Its nice to meet you Luna." He says witha smile lighting up his face.

The way Mike looks at Tamny makes my heart melt. He looks her as if she hung the moon and the stars.

I feel my appetite quickly disappear and I push my plate away softly. "Thank you for having me. It was delicious." I say giving her a small smile.

"Is everything ok?" She questions as I stand up. Tiny arms instantly wrap around my waist causing my eyes to cast down.

I smile softly at Jamie and nod, "I'm fine, but I should get back." I ruffle Jamies hair before gently pulling him off me.

They both stand, "oh no, please, finish your supper." They are reluctant but sit back down.

I give Jaime a fist bump, "bye little man. See ya later."

"See ya later missses luna." He gives my hand a tiny kiss and I let out a small laugh.

I thank them once more before making my way outside. I bretahe in the air and feel my thoughts instantly clear.

The full moon hangs high in the sky as I step off of the patio and onto the little gravel drive.

I debate on whether I want to go back to Jonathan or keep walking. Go to a slightly angry mate, or walk under the full moon in the forest? 

I decide to choose the latter and start walking towards the woods.

The crickets are singing softly and lightning bugs are easily seen through thick forest. They light up the dark trees along with bright white light from the moon.

I walk for about thirty minutes before sinking down at the base of a tree trunk.

"Kenna?" I jump slightly and turn to see Jonathan standing near me. I let out a breath of relief at the fact it is him and not some stranger.

He is much calmer than when I had left him. "Yes?" I ask. My voice is barely above a whisper as I turn my face upward letting my skin be touched by the light of the moon. 

I feel him move closer as he sits in front of me with his legs crossed mimicking my own.

"Can we please talk?" He questions softly as he lightly brings my chin down.

"I don't know, it didn't seem to go so well the last time we tried that..." I trail off quietly.

"I know, I overreacted, I lost control of my wolf, I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me something you didn't want to, but when my wolf heard that it was a flashback and that someone had hurt you and we werent there to protect you, he lost it." He explains.

"I know, but you couldn't have done anything even if you wanted to, it was a couple hundred years ago. The darnkess inside me is fighting hard agaisnt my light side, I need you on my side not against me." I tell him looking into his stormy eyes.

I can tell he is conflicted. His wolf is fighting him just oht of the sheer need to protect what is his.

He reachs out softly and trails his finger over my cheek.

I feel extremely vulnerable and weak but he feels so right.

"I know my love, I'm so sorry." He apologizes again as I lean into his hand and close my eyes.

"I'm sorry too, I need to open up and trust you more with my past. You're my mate not my enemy ." I reply witha ghost of a smile on my face as he sits on his knees and kisses me softly.

"I do love you Kenna, whether you can say it back or not, it will not change my feelings and I hope you forgive me for my alpha mood swings."

I nod and kiss him softly.

"You're forgiven big bad alpha." I reply with a grin.

He helps me stand up and we start walking back. "Where are we going to sleep?" I ask softly as my mind wonders to the destroyed room.

"Our room?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"You destroyed it." I inform as I push his arm playfully.

"Its fixed." He tells me calmly

"How?" I ask. 

"Magic." He says with a smirk and a little wave of his fingers.

"Haha very funny." I say with a wink.

"I know, I'm hilarious love. Keep the laughter down." He tells me playfully.

I roll my eyes and look down as I smile.  I feel a sense of peace wash over me as I walk hand in hand with my mate back to ohr house.

I know I am getting better. I can feel it. I am starting to trust him more and more despite our setbacks.



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