Chapter 15

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"Why isn't she healing?!" A deep voice growled out. "These wounds aren't normal. I dont know what or who made these wounds alpha." A shaking voice replied.

I couldn't open my eyes and my body felt like it was on fire. I focused on my lighter magic and the warmth controlled itself.

"Kenna please wake up." I heard a voice and sparks flowed through my arm.

My eyes shot open and I sat up pain radiating through my body as I force myself to wake. "Oh shit." I groan in pain and gasp. "Kenna?!" I felt kisses all over my face as I sit there breathing heavily.

"What happened?" He growls out releasing me a bit.

I felt my head swim with the memories of Cerberus attacking me, I used to play with him all the time.

The attack startled me to be honest and I don't know how to tell him. "I got attacked." I replied. He gave me a "duh" look. "I know. By what?" He growled out.

I rolled my eyes. "I took care of it."

He let out a growl as the doctor came in. "Hello Luna." She responded with a smile and I nodded towards her in response.

"We fixed you up, there was horrible damage done and we didn't know if you would make it. You are very strong." She said as she handed Jonathan some papers.

"She can leave?" He questioned and the doctor nodded. "As long as she stays in bed." Was her response and I groaned causing pain to shoot through my stomach and I bit back a grimace.

He gave the papers back after signing and gave me a pointed look telling me that I would have to tell him what happened later.

I slowly stood up out of the bed and winced causing Jonathan's arm to wrap securely around my waist.

I felt his breath fam across my neck. "You will tell me what attacked you love."

I felt a shiver run down my spine and I gasped. He smirked at the affect he had on me.

"His name was Cerberus, he was a hell hound." I whispered softly.

We walked out of the hospital and to his house, he had me securely in his arms.

"Did your father send him after you?" He asked. "He wouldn't do that, my father is many things, but he loves me."

He nodded and sighed. "Are there anymore of these things?" He questioned. I shook my head no.

"My sister put your things away, she claimed she needed to do something to keep her mind off of this." I nodded. "It wasn't her fault, you all couldn't of done anything about it." I answered.

"Like hell I couldn't of." He growled out. "You couldn't. I barely could." I admitted. He let out a low growl and I placed my hand on his chest and groaned as he placed his forehead on mine.

"God what are you doing to me Alpha." I mumbled softly.

I felt the warmth of his body through my clothes as he pulled me to his chest. "Only good things my love." He mumbled against my hair.

I felt a blush creep to my cheeks. "I need a shower." I mumbled against his chest and he groaned as he released me slowly.

"I could join you." He suggested and I gave him a pointed look. He held his hands up in surrender. "Fine fine, I get it." He gave me a jaw dropping smile and a wink.

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk towards the bathroom.  Once I was done with my shower, which felt like heaven, metaphorically of course, I looked in the mirror. My hair remind me of curella de vil. I ran my fingers lightly over the scar on my stomach and groaned softly.

I eventually wrapped a towel around me and headed out of the bathroom. 

I heard a low growl and giggled softly as I walked into the closet and dropped my towel not closing the door.

In an instant he was there. "Love you are killing me." He groaned pressing his obvious problem into my lower back.

I still wasn't a hundred percent and the shower drained me. I turned in his arms. "I will make it up to you Alpha." I responded pecking him in the lips.

I got out of his hold and grabbed a pair of dark red Lacey panties as well as matching bra and slipped them on.

His growl got louder and I heard the bathroom door shut then the shower turn on. I smirked and put on some sweat pants and one of Jonathan's shirts. I had my own but his were, well, his.

I curled in a ball on his bed and sighed as my body hit the fluffy mattress. I felt a wave of tiredness wash over me and my eyelids grow heavy.

The bathroom door opened and I groaned softly. I felt Jonathan kiss my forehead and climb in next to me. "Sleep mi amore." He murmured and circled his arm around my waist softly and I slipped into sleep.



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