Chapter 16

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"Kenna, cmon, it's time to get up." Said a soft voice.

The scent of roses and vanilla hit my nose and I gasped sitting up. "But mom I don't want to." I heard a small voice say beside me.

I looked over to see my little six year old body curled up under the white sheets. "Baby doll you gotta get up now so you can play with Michael!" She said a smirk gracing her lips as my younger form peeked an eye open.

I felt a tear slip from the corner of my eye, it seemed so real. I saw myself get out of bed giggling. My blonde hair was braided and unruly cascading down my back as my mother took my hand. "I love you my precious angel." She said with a smile that reached her eyes.

I felt a pang of longing and immediately wished for my feelings to be once again non existent.

I saw myself grin happily and big my mothers legs. "I love you too mommy."

I felt myself gasp and sit up accidentally hitting Jonathan's forehead. I quickly wiped away my tears as he jumped out of bed with a growl on full alert.

"I'm sorry." I whispered rubbing my forehead.

His expression changed when he saw my tear stained cheeks and he quickly climbed next to me. "Do you want to talk about it love?" He asked softly.

I shook my head no and he pulled me into his lap and I rested my head on his chest feeling extremely vulnerable.

It was honestly terrifying feeling all of these emotions after not feeling anything for centuries.

We stayed like that until the sun shown through the curtains. "My love, I have alpha duties to do today." He whispered against my hair.

"May I come too?" I questioned looking up at him. His eyes widened in shock before he smiled brightly. "Of course, you are luna after all."

I needed to get my mind off of everything. I got up out of bed and stretched. I felt the oversized sweatpants slip dangerously low down my hips.

A growl exited his body and I jumped slightly as I felt his fingertips against my hips. I felt a rush of sparks shoot to my core and I groaned and leaned into him.

"You are killing me baby." He murmured and kissed my mark causing me to shiver. He pushed me back on the bed and climbed on top of me. "I love you." He whispered against my lips. "I love you too." Did I really though?

A couple of hours later we finally got to his office, he walked over to his chair and sat down with a smirk.

"What?" I questioned curiosity getting the better of me. "C'mere." He ordered and I walked over to where he was sitting.

I felt his hands pull me down to his lap and my cheeks heated up as he breathed in my scent and sighed.

His arms wrapped around me as he began doing his work, as he did, he helped me figure out what everything was and eventually I was doing it on my own.

I felt a pull on my body and I looked up slowly from what I was doing. "I'll be back." I mumbled.

He looked up at me with narrowed eyes. "Are you ok love?"

I nod and walk out of the room. My walk breaks into a run as I slam the bathroom door shut taking deep breaths as the feeling increases.

I felt my body start to shake and I groan softly  and gasp my eyes widening as they turn a dark red and black.

"Kenna." I hear a voice murmur behind me and I whip around to see my brother. "You've got to stop doing that little brother." I tell him softly.

He chuckles and runs a hand through his dark hair. His features were similar to mine. Pale face and dark hair, his eyes were red though and his jawline sharp where mine was more of a heart shaped structure. No blemishes covered his skin as his eyes studied me.

"What?" I ask and he shrugs looking at me for the longest time. "Spit it out." I growl at him. "I heard you saw Michael." He finally announces.

"I did." I reply. "Why?" He asks. "You think I asked to see him?" I question. "I don't know Kenna, who knows how you would've reacted when your light came back." He says his tone dark.

"He is the last person I wanted to see." I reply as my anger grows.

"What did you come here for?" I ask. "Father wants to speak to you." He replies and I run a hand through my hair. 

Of course he does.



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