Chapter 9

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Kenna's POV ^


I push myself off the tree and start to wander back to the pack. What the actual hell just happened? He grabbed my hand then let go and ran.

I let out a sigh and shake my head as I walk into the pack house and take in a deep breath.  Father? I walk up the stairs and stop in front of Jonathan's office. I curse softly as I push the door open.

"You weren't kidding." Jonathan states as his eyes meet mine.  "I told you. I don't joke about stuff like that." I reply calmly.

"Hello Kenna." My father addresses me. "Father, why are you here. Don't you" I question harshly.

"Not at the moment my dear." He smiles sadistically at me.

Jonathan stands there looking confused. "I just wanted to meet your mate dear." He replies. "Go collect some more souls or torture them, whichever you so choose, Just go. You won't give me answers then there is no needfor conversation. You have met him. Now leave." I spit out angrily.

I have no intention on showing my father any kindness after what he has done.

His eyes flash as he stands up. "Watch who you are talking to." He growls out. "Until next time." He walks out stopping by me and kissing my forehead and I let out the breath I was holding as he vanishes. We have an odd relationship.

"Dammit." I breath out softly. "Your dad is really hades?!" He questions. "I don't joke about that stuff mister Alpha." I repeat back.

I feel my energy drain and I lean against the wall. "Kenna, we have to talk about this. I don't think family Christmases are going to be very comfortable in hell." He says giving me a dazziling smirk.

I let out a light laugh. "I think you might be right." I give his chest a pat and sparks fly up my arm and I shiver pulling my hand back.

I turn around and sigh. He wraps his arms around my waist and my body molds into his.

I feel his breath on my neck as he kisses it softly. "Do you feel it?" He asks trying not to sound hurt.

"F-feel w-what?" I stutter too tired to fight anything.

"I'm so tired of being strong." I reply honestly. "You don't have to be now that you have me." He whispers softly.

That hit a nerve and I snap back as I push myself away from him no matter how much my body aches from the small amount of distance.

"I-I-" I'm cut off by a growl and being slammed against the wall. I feel  something sharp bite into my neck and I groan in pain as I grip his shirt, which just makes him growl more.

I feel my vision start to fade out and I beat on his chest lightly before my arms fall limply at my sides. I feel him move away and curse as my eyes roll in the back of my head.

My body crumples to the floor and I slowly start to sink into darkness.


I wake up and hear whispering and a man yelling angrily. "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE MARKED HER WITHOUT HER PREMISSION!" The voice screams in anger.

"It was an accident. My wolf took over and I couldn't help myself." Replies the voice that makes my knees weak.

I slowly open my eyes and turn my head to the voices only to be meant with a pain in my neck.

Fury runs through my body and I stand up ignoring the other people asking me questions and run to the bathroom.

There is a full moon with JC and KJ intertwined with each other. I let out a growl and storm out of the bathroom. "YOU MA-" I was cut off by his appearance. Damn he was hot.

I shook my head. "Breathe Kenna." I heard the male voice from earlier. "Who are you?" I ask anger evident in my voice.

"I'm Ben. Jonathan's father. I am very sorry for what my son has done." He tries to apologize.

I nod  and turn to Jonathan. "Why did you do it?!" I growl out. I felt my angel stir inside me and I gasp as I placed my hands on the wall.

"Kenna?" Jonathan asks. "Shut up." I snap and focus on the side of my angel. Light shones through my palms and I feel power rush through my veins as they turn gold.

"KENNA!" Jonathan yells. I snap my head up. "Why are you yelling.?" I glare daggers at his beautiful face. "Your eyes turned gold and you weren't moving then your hands..." he trails off.

"I was focusing " I reply coldly. His fathers face pales. "You marked an angel! WITHOUT HER PERMISSION?!"

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT FATHER!" He yells back growling slightly.

My knees go weak as I hear him groal and I start to chew on my lip as bad thoughts roam through my head.

I can't stay mad at him. The bond wouldn't let me. He marked me without my permission. I should be furious.

His muscles ripple under his shirt and his jaw is clenching.

He walks over to me and whispers lowly, only for my ears. "My dear mate, I can smell your arousal. I suggest you stop what you are thinking unless you want me to strip you and make all of those thoughts a reality."

My eyes widen and a blush forms on my cheeks as he smirks and he pushes away with black eyes.

"You could have tainted her!" His father interrupts.

I start laughing uncontrollably. Me? Tainted. I laugh the hardest I have in over a thousand years.

"What's so funny?" His dad questions.

"Ive been tainted for over a thousand years." I say smiling innocently.

"What do you mean dear. Angels are pure. " His dad asks and Jonathan looks at me curiously.

"I fell a long time ago." I opened my wings with much force and noticed that they were black with white highlights like my hair.

"I'm a fallen angel." I reply and his face pales more.

Uh oh.


Hey lovelies.

Let me know what you think about this book so far. I'm doing something different.
Hope y'all liked this chapter.

Peace out loves. Have a great spring break.


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