To Strong To Be Broken

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"Girl I have no clue on what to do. I wish I could just win the lottery or something, because working at this lil coffee shop ain't helping." Passion said as she sat outside on her lunch break.

Passion was nineteen years old she had just graduated from high-school and had a part-time job so she can go to college and pay every bill that a nineteen year old shouldn't have the responsibilities for. Both Passion parents had died in a plane crash so she was raised by her grandmother who is now battling cancer.

"Whattt!!! Girl who you telling...I swear. This lil seven fifty an hour ain't cuttin' it. But how's mema doing? How she holding up? Is it getting worse?" Tara asked as they sat outside on their break.

Tara was Passion's best friend they had met during their sophomore year of high-school. Tara was the only person that could get Passion to talk they had so much in common. They both had long pretty hair, green eyes and a mocha colored skin complexion. They both had the same body type slim with curvy hips except Tara hips were a little wider.

Tara aslo grew up without parents well her mom was there but not mentally there. Her mom was hooked on drugs and Tara Neva knew her dad. Tara was very open and wild. She didn't think about anything she just do it. She was totally opposite from Passion.

Passion was quiet and humble. She had faith in everything she do or did. Tara was more as an if you don't hustle you don't eat type of person. She would do anything she had to survive. Tara love Passion because Passion Neva judged her. Passion showed her that family love that she was missing.

"She's hanging in there and yea it's not getting any better. She's at the stage where she's losing her hair now. I mean she's getting the treatment but not frequently as she should."

"Why not?"

"It's 138,000 dollars a year for treatment. I don't have that type of money. Girl I can barely pay for food. I swear I'm trying to be strong but this is really taking a toll on me. I guess this is one of those moments where you hope for the best and prepare the worst." Passion said as she sipped on her mocha.

"Damnn. You know Dexter want me to quit this job and come live with him. I'm really thinking about it."

"What about the dreams we had with school and all?"

"Baby those were just dreams. This is reality. My moma don't give a damn about me. I don't know my daddy and living paycheck to paycheck ain't doing it for me."

"Dreams do come true you know."

"Passion you need to snap out of fairy tale land. You wanna go to School for cosmetology but don't have a penny to put towards it. I'm not trying to be mean but its time for you to wake up. You need to hook up with one of Dexter friends and let them take care of you. You been wearing them same shoes for over a year." Tara said causing Passion to look at her old run down shoes. Passion wanted new shoes well she needed them, but how things going financially that was something that had to hold.

"Tara I'm not about to talk to anyone just for money. And especially no thug. Me and my granny is fine. God got us we good. I promise. Let's get back to work before we get fired." Passion said as she stood up to throw her trash away.

Passion would never look at things in a negative way. She got through her day by being positive.

Walking up to the house Passion noticed a yellow slip on the door. Taking the paper she realized it was a final notice for the water bill which was a hundred and twenty dollars.

"How did I let that slip my mind" she thought to herself. Passion had no money so she knew it was only one thing left to do.

"Hello,Hey do you mind coming over?" Passion asked Tara as she sat on her porch. Passion knew Tara would be there in a split second, and thats why she loved Tara.

Passion sat on her porch dazing at the yellow slip. Passion was really struggling and there was no way she was going to be able to pay everything on her own. She had to do something she was praying that god understood what she was about to do.


@ ExoticLuv_you

Okay this a new book that I've just started. I hope you guys love it . Leave your thoughts please!

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