Chapter 22

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"Tara I'm so happy for you. I'm glad you've found that perfect one. Not only that , but he's done with the streets. It's crazy how love can make a person change. I remember when you first introduced me to Mike and I was looking at him like damn he's fine, but I couldn't see myself being with him. I couldn't handle his lifestyle, but look at us now, look at all of us."

Passion was out with Tara and Kristine all day having a girls day out while the guys spent time with the kids.

  "I know right. Things happen for a reason.  I remember you were so scared to meet him. I wasn't going to let him slip away from you. I knew how you were. I couldn't tell you about me paying your bill because you wouldn't have met Mike. I'm glad it happened though, because look at you know. PREGNANT and engaged. Passion I remember yo behind wouldn't even look at a guy. You just loved being by yourself, but with mema being sick. I knew you needed someone there for you. Yes I love you but I couldn't give you the love you needed, and as we can see you received plenty of loving cause girlllll you're having twins." Tara joked making Kristine laugh and Passion blush.

"I'm glad we decided to have this day because it was sooo needed." Kristine said as she laid back enjoying her foot massage.

"Yea this was nice. Even though Daijon isn't a cry baby it's always good to hang with ya girls."

"Amen to that." Kristine shouted.

"So Passion when are you planning your baby shower? I mean you are seven months so that should be right around the corner." Tara said as she watched the lady apply the polish to her toes.

"To be honest I don't know. I mean a baby shower is where all your friends and family comes around.  I don't have friends and you guys are my only family."

"Okay and what does that mean?"  Kristine asked.

"Maybe we can just go out to eat and you guys can just buy a gift. Plus you guys just had babies a few months ago I don't want you spending money on me."

"Girl hush and we're not spending money on you it's for our niece and nephew, but if you don't want a shower we respect that."

"Thanks I love you guys!"

"We love you too Passion! " Kristine and Tara both said.

Passion smiled as her phone rung.

"Hey Tawn what's up?  "

"Passion I need y'all to get here quick!" Tawn said screaming into the phone.

"Why what happened? " Passion panicked causing the other girls to look her way.

"Passion What's wrong?" Tara asked

"Mike here flipping out! I don't know what's wrong with him. He breaking shit and the kids are freaking out. Y'all need to get here! NOW! Tawn said before hanging up.

"You guys we have to go now!" Passion said grabbing her purse.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know.  He just said Mike is flipping out and the kids are scared."

"What the hell wrong with him? " Kristine said

"I'll drive." Tara volunteered

" Just hurry Tara please!"

"Passion I'm going as fast as I can trying not to get a ticket. Just calm down he'll be fine."

" That's not like him though. Especially to flip out, and to do it in front of the kids. We don't argue so why he's acting like this. Omg maybe it's about his mom. I told Mike we could get through this together he just have to trust me." Passion said getting teary eyed.

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