Chapter 24

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   Mike stood in the mirror as he checked himself out he was lowkey happy Passion was allowing him to got out. He needed to relax and have a little fun.

"Baby you sure you want me to go?" Mike asked walking over to the bed where Passion was sitting up eating ice cream.

"Yes baby I told you it was fine. Have fun but remember what you have at home." Passion said taking a scoop of her ice cream not looking at him.

"Baby can't no other woman grab my attention if it's not you. You're the only person I have eyes for."

"I love you too Mike!" Passion said as she pecked his lips. Mike stood up and Passion smiled.

"What?" Mike asked

"You just fine as hell."

"Thanks baby. I'll call you when we arrive and when we're leaving. Love you."

"Okay love you too." Passion said kissing him once again before watching him exit the room. Passion got up and threw her empty container way before grabbing her phone sending a group text telling everyone she loved them and to be safe.  She turned on the shower as her phone peeped multiple times. 

My Main Vain: I love you too sis get some rest see you in the morning.

Big bro Tawn:  I love you too fat girl and you know a nigga always safe. Don't worry if I see a bitch looking at bra Kristine gone handle ha ass. lol get some sleep.

Dexter: I love you too baby girl.

Krissy: Aww I love you too sissy pooh! Don't worry girl as soon as you drop and yo six weeks up we going clubbing!  Oan don't worry about Mike Tara and I got that on lock! Now get some rest! ♥

My Husband: I love you too baby!  I can still turn around if you want me too?  Re: No baby have fun! You need it see you when you get home.

Passion quickly washed up. She was so tired all she wanted to do was sleep.


"Bra this bitch thick as fuck!" Tawn said as he took a shot.  They all were up in vip enjoying their night. Everything was going so smoothly and the Dj was on point with the music.

"Yea this bitch is jumping." Mike said hitting the blunt before passing it to Dexter.

Tara and Kristine had just made their way back from the ladies. 

"Dexter come dance with me!" Tara said pulling Dexter arm standing him up.  Dexter grabbed a hold of  Tara's waist as she worked her hips to the music.

"Damn girl keep moving like that ima take yo ass in the bathroom." Dexter said grinding his hard wood against her ass cheeks.

Tara continued to throw her ass at him as the song played throughout the club. After the song was over Dexter pulled Tara onto his lap.

"I love you girl. I swear I'm the luckiest nigga in the world!"

"I love you too daddy.!" Tara said as she straddled his lap. Dexter squeezed her ass as they made out in the corner.

They where chilling enjoying the club scenery for about two hours.

"What time is it?" Tawn asked

Mike glanced at his rolex before responding.


"Ayye lets head out!" Tawn said grabbing Kristine's hand. They always left the club fifteen minutes early before the club let out.

"Ight cool! Tara Dexter we rolling out. Lets go."  Mike said.

They all left out the club together. Mike rode with Kristine and Tawn while Dexter and Tara rode together in Dexter white Bentley.

"Y'all hungry? " Tawn asked.

"Yes baby lets do Waffle house." Kristine said.

"What about you bra?''

"Yea we can do that." Mike said as he sent a text to Passion letting her know they were just leaving the club.

"Ayee what the fuck was that?" Tawn Said as they heard guns going off.

"Ion know man. Ion see Tara and Dexter either let me call them." Mike said picking up his phone but paused when Kristine started screaming.

"OMG ISN'T THAT DEXTER CAR!"  Kristine said pointing at Dexter Bentley on the side of the road.

"Shit! " Mike and Tawn yelled. Tawn Stop the car and hopped out. Dexter Bentley had bullet holes all through it.

"Kristine call 911!" Mike screamed. 

Mike and Tawn was not prepared for what they saw. The lifeless body of their friends.

"FUCK!!!!" Mike screamed as he opened the driver door. Dexter body was slumped over on the stirring wheel.

Mike checked to see if Dexter had a pulse. Mike was relieved to find one but it was very faint. Mike looked over to Tawn as he watched his brother search for Tara's pulse.

Mike could hear the ambulance getting closer.

"She's gone man...She's gone!" Tawn said as he closed Tara eyelids. Mike heart stopped this couldn't be happening.

"NOOOOO!!!!!!" Kristine screamed as Tawn held her back.

"Nooo Tawnnnn she can't be!"

"DAMMIT man! Fuck!" Mike screamed. He couldn't believe what had just happened.  One minute everything is cool and the next his best friend is fighting for his life while his wife sister is dead.


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