chapter 11

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"Is she sleep?" Mike asked coming back into the room.

"Yea, she fell asleep as soon as you walked out."

"Ima go lay her down in the other room I wanna talk to you." Mike said picking up Lili walking out the room. Mike returned five minutes later.

"Is everything alright? What happened with Dexter?" Passion asked sitting up as she turned the tv off. She watched as Mike shut the door.

"Yea he cool he came to tell me about Tara."

"What happened to her?"

"She ran off with Dexter enemy and stole a few products and the baby she was carrying wasn't Dexter it was dudes." Mike said climbing into bed.

"Mike stop lying omg I need to call her!" Passion said placing her hand over her mouth.

"Passion I don't want you dealing with Tara anymore. Tara is cool and all but the life style she's living ain't good. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but Tara playing some dangerous games and I don't want you to get caught up in her bullshit. Those dudes Tara dealing with is dangerous a hell, and if something happen to you I'll start killing everybody. I love you Passion and I want us to work, That's why I quit dealing with the streets I'm giving it all up for you."

Mike watched as the tears formed in Passion's eye's she couldn't say anything all she could do was smile and kiss him.

"Passion I have something else to tell you." Mike said as he pulled away from her.

"Is it bad Mike? " Passion asked wiping her tears.

"Ion know it depends on how you take it."

"Well what is it?"

"Remember I told you my family had money?"

Mike watched as Passion shook her head.

"Well I didn't really tell you how much. My family is very wealthy."

"How wealthy? "

"My dads a millionaire. He's worth almost Eight hundred million." Mike said, but Passion didn't say anything she just stayed quiet as he continued.

"My dad is getting old and him and my mom Always wanted Tawn and I to take over everything including the house. I talked to Tawn and we came to the conclusion that we're both going to take over the house. I was thinking about selling this one."

"How many bedrooms? "


"That's cool with me. Whatever you want baby as long as you're happy." Passion said scooting close to him.

"That's it?" Mike asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"What you mean? "

"I just told you I'm a millionaire and I'm about to own a mansion. There's no change in you."

"I'm not with you for the money and I don't care where we live. We can have two dollar's and live in a cardboard box I still will be the happiest woman on earth because I'll still have you. I love you Mike." Passion said as she pulled him in for a kiss.

The kiss was very soft and passionate. Passion enjoyed every minute of it until something caused her to stop.

"Mike why are you crying? "Passion asked as she felt the wetness on her cheeks.

"Because I'm thankful, I've been waiting for this, I've been waiting for you. Passion you don't understand."

Passion wiped his tears with her thumb as she looked into his eyes.

"Yes I do baby because I've been waiting on you! Mike you showed me I mean the world to you by giving up the streets. That means so much to me." Passion said smiling.

Mike picked her up and laid her on her back. Passion smiled as she felt his warm kisses flow throughout her body.

"Marry me Passion." Mike asked as he removed her panties. Passion popped her head up with a confused look on her face.

"Marry me." Mike asked again as he laid on top of her.

"Mike are you foreal?!" Passion asked with excitement.

"Yess I'm foreal Marry me." Mike said as he pulled her hair behind her ears.

Passion smiled as she shook her head yes.

"Is that a yes?" Mike said smiling.

"Hell yea that's a yesss! Yes baby I'll marry you! Yess yes yesss!!!" Passion screamed as she kissed him and rolled them over so she could be on top.

"I love you girl!"

"I love you too but you gone have to propose again."


"Because my pussy was in your mouth at the time." Passion said as she burst out laughing.

"It was wasn't it." Mike said smiling flipping her back over.

"I never start a job and don't finish." Mike said as he went head first into her juice box.

Passion arched her back as Mike made love to her with his tongue. She was indeed going to marry him. Passion thought it was funny how life worked. She had to lose something great to gain something greater. She loved Mike and she was ready to be his wife.


ahhh I love this book! I have so many great ideas! y'all gonna have to stay tuned as the book take flight ! 50 comments &'d 150 votes and the next chapter is yours! lol I told y'all I wasn't playing. Y'all need to work. :)


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