Two: The Deal

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Chapter 2

Killian and the crew's snores from their chambers near mine in the Jolly Roger didn't help me with my troubles of falling asleep. A few mere hours ago, the sky filled the horizon with a rainbow of colors, signaling dusk. The crew's obnoxious grunts and snores gave me headaches, and for some strange reason, the only way to get rid of the pain was to move away from the main area, creating the pounding in my head.

I slipped on my black boots, grabbed my jacket, and tip toed out of the ship. The rowboat swiftly rocked against the dark navy blue, almost black waves. Up ahead, the shoreline was visible as I turned my head opposed to feasting my eyes on the Jolly Roger. Tall trees that towered almost about everything in sight, and with no light to guide me but a weak lantern, the bark was impossible to point out fifteen feet away.

A ruffle from the woods makes me jump. Clutching onto my sword in it's leather stealth against my belt, I silently tell myself that it was just an animal. I continued my venture as another ruffle from the pitch black leaves send chills down my spine.

"Hello?" I call.

A shadowy figure catches my eye. A boy about my age, flashes out of the big leaves and right across from me. Although his face is barley noticeable in the dim candlelight, the miraculous boy has a neatly combed brown hair, pale skin, and the greenest of eyes. He's wearing a dark green tunic, simple brown pants, and a belt with some little tins attached on it's side.

"Hello," he says, cocking an eyebrow, "You are....." His voice trailed off.

The matching awkwardness in my voice made the chills in my spine worsen. "Dani...." My name comes out in a sigh, turn to a question. "Who are you?"

"Did I forget to introduce myself?" He chuckles. This boy seemed to be a tease. Liking his own personal inside jokes. "I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

Peter Pan. The name was oddly familiar.... Killian! He warned me of this 'Peter Pan' before the ship landed on Neverland's waters. "My brother warned me about you," was all I managed to spit out. I didn't want to say too much; what if Peter knew my brother?

"Oh," he starts, pointing towards the way of the ship, "You're with them?" Once he turns back to me, a delighted smirk curls upon his lips.

He turns back down, eyes meeting the bottom of a rocky cliff, a cliff that no human would enjoy falling from.

Peter stops at the edge of a cliff, eyes darting back towards me. The way he looked at me in the pale moonlight seemed to make me feel as if he were studying me."Do you know how to fly?" He asks, out of the blue.

"No," I tell him.

But, before I have the chance to speak, a voice yells in the angriest tone known to man.

"Peter, stop!"

Peter turns around, eyes glistening from the cliff to my brother.There stands Killian, sword in his hands.

"Hello Killian," Peter hissed, a daring yet dangerous tone creeping in his voice.

A scream pierced my ears as my eyes widened. It took my brain a few seconds to process that the scream I heard was my own. Peter Pan, the bloody demon of a boy, held me against his chest, a dagger against my neck.

"I'm giving you one shot." Peter began, holding me down as I struggled to break free, keeping his gaze on Killian. "Find the water and go, in a week's time. If it takes you longer, well," he faces back at me, gently placing a stray hair behind my ear, "let's just say that your sister will be my first lost girl," Peter smirks, "Do we have a deal?" He reaches out his hand, facing Killian again.

Without another word, Killian shakes it.

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