Eighteen: Losing

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Chapter 18

I gasp at the pain as I turn around to have my heart ripped out by Regina, the evil queen herself. My heart's a glowing an orangish color with red flames around it, almost as if it's on fire.

"Hmm, you really are the Truest Believer? Aren't you?" Rumple smirks, stepping out of the forest, turning my heart in Regina's hands as he spots a little black spot, "And just a little bit evil."

"H-How?" I croak out.

"See, this part of your heart is dark because you fell in love with the thing that could kill you in a heartbeat." Regina laughs, pointing to my heart with her hand.

Rumple steps closer to me. "Oh, this was all too easy," he smirks as Regina laughs again.

"Why?" I whisper.

"We made a deal. Your 'boyfriend' over there has both my son and his son. Now, you're going to get them back." Regina squeezes my heart, making me gasp in more pain, dropping to my knees. "Do we understand each other?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Even though Pan knows of Rumple's ambush, we are still going through with it. I can't warn Peter about the real plan. I can't protect him from the person he won't harm. Me.

It's strange to not be in control of your actions. The words that come out of my mouth are not mine. The Lost Boys don't notice any difference as they let me in Peter's camp.

Immediately, I notice Felix and some other of the Lost Boys are gone, along with Henry.

"Dani," Peter walks forward with a smile on his face, scamming the area for Rumple.

"Where's Henry?" Regina questions, as she talks into my heart, making me speak.

"Somewhere you and your new friend will never find him."

"That's too bad,"

The same purple smoke that Regina cursed on the Lost Boys before I realized she was my mother, fills the air . The remaining of the Lost Boys drop to the ground, leaving me and Peter still stable.

An arrow flies through the air past me, aimed at Peter's chest. It nearly hits him, but of course, Peter catches it.

"That's cute," he chuckles as Rumple and Regina, holding my heart, step out.

Rumple smirks in a way that makes me and Peter confused. Suddenly, a glowing purple light surrounds Peter's body, causing him to freeze.

Regina holds my heart, squeezing it as I drop to the ground in pain. This wasn't the plan. A new amount of pain washes over me as I clutch myself, gasping for air.

"Stop." Peter orders, struggling to break free.

I let out another scream in agony as Regina squeezes my heart tighter.

"I said stop!" Peter screams.

"You are going to bring me Henry and Baelfire or she will be killed right in front of you, right here, right now." Rumple comes face to face with Peter, grinding through his teeth.

"You do that and you lose your leverage."

"Perhaps, but I will not be the only one loosing something and my guess is that you'll care a lot more than me." Rumple smirks, backing away from Peter.

"I don't have Henry at the moment, in case you couldn't tell." Peter mutters angrily to Regina.

"Oh i'm sure you can get him back," Regina reminds Peter what happens if he doesn't agree. My heart gets squeezed again, causing me to scream.

"Ah!" I scream, clutching my chest.

"Alright! I'll do it!" Peter sighs, sounding completely broken and defeated.

"Good," Rumple mutters, signaling Regina to let go of her grip on my heart. It allows me to gather enough energy to stand up.

"Tell him you love him," Regina whispers into my heart.

Tears stream down my cheeks. "I love you Peter."

Rumple grabs my arm, pulling me away, Regina following behind us.

Peter shuts his eyes to restrain himself from crying. "I will save you, Dani."

And that's exactly what I was afraid of.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Peter's POV

The goddamn spell finally wears off as I fall to my knees, punching the ground hard.

"Damn it!" This was my fault. I should've taken Dani away as soon as possible. How could I just leave her like that?

My rage pulls me up onto my feet, seeing red as I feel all of the pain Dani went through.

I go to my Thinking Tree, where some of the Lost Boys, Felix, and Henry sit. As soon as they see me, they all stand up.

"What happened? Why did we move?" Henry asks.

"It appears that one of your Mothers were here." I respond.




"She knows by giving me your heart to save magic, you won't be able to leave Neverland." I say.

"But if she's here, the others are here too! That means they're coming for me!" Henry says, almost cheering, looking at me with that same look in his eye as Dani.

"Yes, but your Mother has Dani's heart."

"She took her Heart?"

"Nearly killed her right in front of me."

Henry shakes his head. "No, you're lying."

"So, you're telling me that she doesn't normally rip people's heart's out?" I ask, raising one eyebrow, smiling.

Henry doesn't answer.

"She's going to kill Dani if I don't hand you over to her." I mutter.

"But if I go, magic will die, and with it, all of you." Henry says, looking down.

I sigh. "I know."

"What if I explain everything to her?" Henry says, looking back up.

"Oh, she won't listen. Adults never listen to their children. But I have a plan," I evilly smile. I command four Lost Boys to take Henry away.

My eyes dart over to Felix. He walks over to me, standing next to me, overlooking my Thinking Tree.

"So, what's your plan?" He asks.

"This will require a lot of my magic, and I will be weaker. But if this plan works, it'll all be worth it." I'm unable to hide my smirk."That woman may have been the Evil Queen where she was from, but now she's in Neverland, on my island. Nobody threatens me and gets away with it. She'll see Henry again."

Felix thinks for a moment. "So, you're saying that the boy will be reunited with his mother again?"

"Oh, they'll be reunited alright," An evil smirk washes over my face, "only in death."

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