Nine: The Girl

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Chapter 9

Tigerlilly's POV

*Nine Years Earlier*

The dawn breaks as I emerge from my tent. After checking on all of my brothers- some of which are ex-lost boys- and my father, the chief, which basically makes up one third of my tribe, I venture off into the island looking and hoping to find something for breakfast. I shoot my bow and arrow at a deer, killing it. Hauling the deer back to the camp, I sit down near the fire pit watching as the sun starts to peak off the mountain tops.

Staring into the fire, I try my hardest to remember my life before Neverland. Memories of my old life in the Enchanted Forest mostly faded except certain parts. I remember my younger brother, how I always took care of him, how he was all I had, and how I abandoned him over a selfish desire to come to Neverland.

Slowly, a tear begins to form in my eye, making its way down my cheek. Wrapping up my own thoughts, I can feel his presence, feeling the way his eyes scan me.

"I knew you'd come," I sniff, turning around to face him.

He stands there, grinning. Next to him, a girl, who looks about nine, - the same age as my brother before I left him - stands next to him, holding his leg, peeking over at me.

"Now," he says to the girl, "don't be shy," he feels her long, dark hair as the girl fidgits, slapping his hand away from her head. She looks back up at me, "she's my friend." He finishes telling her.

I stand up, coming next to her, kneeling down. "And who is this beautiful girl?" I smile as she blushes shyly, facing away. She giggles as I tap her nose, almost coming out of her shyness.

I look up at Killian, who is watching me as I play with the girl. He shoots me a grin, thanking me.

"Tigerlilly, this is my sister, Dani."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dani's POV

*Present Time*


"Tigerlilly?" I whisper, completely and utterly shocked, "I thought i'd never see you again."

"Oh, do you two know each other?" Peter asks, almost smiling.

"Yes, we do." I respond, keeping my eyes on Tigerlilly's, "She was my first friend. She helped me gain confidence towards other people."

"And how long as this been since?" Peter asks.

"Nine years ago, her brother brought her to Neverland, the year that Liam died. She was waiting in the ship the whole time. Killian snuck her out to meet me. And yes, at the time, I did fall for Killian," Tigerlilly explains, looking at Peter.

"It's true,"I say.

She looks back at me. "I think you should know that I thought of you and your brother every day for the past nine years straight."

Suddenly, Peter pushed me against the stone of Skull Rock, his dagger pointed at my throat. His voice screeches in my ears, making me panic like crazy.

"How did you get on Neverland without me knowing? I control who comes in and out of my island, understand? I've kept Tigerlilly in Skull Rock for years and now you tell me?!" He screams.

"Peter, you don't have to do this," I scream, a tear running down my cheek, "I was only a girl. Do you expect me to not meet anyone on this damn island?"

"Well, no.." The anger is still mixed into his face.

His arm holding onto the dagger moves away from my throat. Instead of stabbing me right then and there, he releases his grasp and flashes away, leaving me and the Indian Princess in a dazed confusion.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Be patient my dearies, things are about to get interesting. 😏 -Julianna

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