Twenty Three: Pieces of the Game

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Chapter 27

Peter's POV

"Shadow!" I called out again.

It turned around, making some sort of groaning noise. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes," it hissed.

"What is the other way?"

"Dani may live with your child, but you have to get her heart."

I furrow my eyebrows. "But, I have the Heart of the Truest Believer in me already! Why do I need hers?"

"Tell her that Felix's heart wasn't the Truest Believer, tell her that she was wrong. Tell her that in order for your child to be safe, tell her to give her your heart in... nine months... or your youth will be taken, and she will die." The Shadow stares at me this time, successfully making me think. He's waiting for answer.

I sigh in defeat, cursing to myself. "Alright."

"Good," the Shadow screeches, flying away.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*Nine Months later*

Dani's POV

This child inside of me has made certain things difficult. Peter has helped me through most of those things. One night, Peter and I are sitting inside of his tent. He looks away, down at the ground, the small opening in between the tent flaps, just about anywhere except at me.

I give myself a small smile. "What's wrong?" I ask, taking his hand.

"Nothing," he mumbles.

I roll my eyes and sigh, standing in front of him. "How long is it going to take for us to be honest with each other?"

It was his turn to roll his eyes. "You don't even know half of me," he snaps.

I arch my eyebrows. "Then I think we haven't been formally introduced. I'm Dani. Dani Jones."

Peter stands up directly across from me, giving me a small smirk. "Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?" He laughs a bit, as he and I remember when we first met. "I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

"Now tell me, Peter, what's bothering you?" I say.

Peter's POV

I sigh, my expression turning serious. "I've sought something extremely important. The Heart of the Truest Believer. You are luckier than anyone to have that very special heart."

"Don't you already have the Truest Believer's heart in you?" She asks, backing away.

"Sadly, no. I'm not going to hurt you, you just need to believe."

"What do you need me to believe in?"


"But that means that if you don't have the Truest Believer's Heart, then that means that... You failed. Just accept it." She looks at me, tears filling her eyes.

But I just smile. "Peter Pan never fails."

She bursts out into a furious rage. "If you need my Heart, am I just a piece to you in this game of yours?" She snaps, facing away from me.

"No. You- are mine."

I walk up behind her, almost touching each other. "You need to believe. Close your eyes. And believe."

Dani's POV

"You need to believe. Close your eyes. And believe." His voice somehow mesmerizes me, causing me to close my eyes.

"You must give me your heart."

I quickly turn back around. "Don't be silly. Don't you want our child to be safe?" I place my hands on my swollen belly.

"But isn't it worth it?" His hands place around my waist, feeling his unborn baby. "You and our child will be safe, I promise."

"No... I- I'm sorry." I shutter, looking at him.

His face turns to an angry expression. "Then leave the island. You are useless."

Suddenly, the tent flaps open, revealing my brother as he grabs my hand, starting to pull me away.

I look at Peter, still fighting off my brother. "Peter, don't! Don't do this!" I snatch my arm away from Hook, running up to Peter, intertwining my hands into his. "Don't do this. Come with me," I beg, beginning to cry again.

"I can't. I have to keep my youth." He states.

"Your YOUTH?! Is this what this is all about? You are abandoning me and your child for your YOUTH?!" I scream, throwing my hands away from his.

"I told you already, a child can't have a child."

"Then maybe it's time you grow up."

Peter's POV

I just stand there in complete shock. Grow up? Grow up? I refuse to grow up! I think, swearing under your breath.

"What do you want?" She snaps.

"I wanted your heart. But I can't have it. Don't you understand? Love can break me. Break Neverland."

"Then why fall in love in the first place?"

"At least you don't have this huge hole in yourself and you don't have to worry about not falling in love. And trust me, I hate myself everyday because of it."

And then, she storms out of the tent, Killian giving me a look as he follows her out.

Suddenly, I gasp, falling to the ground on my hands and knees, clutching my chest as the Shadow swarms in.

"What- What's happening to me?" I shutter, wincing in pain.

"She left you. You didn't get her Heart. She-"


I try to look up. "Dani?" I mutter, wincing.

The Shadow pushes his dark hand into my chest, pulling out my Heart. I gasp in pain.

"No!" Dani screams.

"The Coconut... candle." I gasp, pointing to the coconut in two pieces and the candle.

Dani's POV

I quickly rush to the coconut, lighting the candle and sucking the Shadow inside. It screeches, trying to resist the force of the fire. I slam the coconut shut, trapping the Shadow.

"Peter!" I cry, trying my best to kneel down next to him. I push the heart into his chest.

He stands up, hugging me tightly. "I'm sorry," he whispers into my ear.

As we release, I ask, "What really happened?"

"The Shadow would've killed you if you didn't leave. He made me trick you into thinking that I needed your heart to live instead of Felix's. Can you forgive me?" He smiles a faint smile.

"Yes," I say as he leans into kiss me.

The kiss was good. Been a while since i've felt his lips on mine. His touch gives me butterflies again. Not bad ones, but good ones. I smile as he kisses me roughly.

But that all stops in a short matter of time. A wave of pain slices through my stomach, causing me to break away. Peter looks at me, a worried expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" He panicked.

"The baby.." I cry as it furiously kicks. I look up at Peter in pain with tears threading to spill from my eyes. I gasp again. "It's coming!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

DUN DUN DUN! Oh no! What's going to happen next?! Thank goodness I had time to update! Phew! *Sigh of relief* Hope you enjoyed! -Julianna💕

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