Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Relationships, Loud Activities and Mcfly's Ending

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      I've never ever cried when I was
                      feeling down,
  I've always been scared of the sound,
     Jesus don't love me, no one ever         
                   carried my load,
        I'm too young to feel this old.

P.O.V will change some point in the chapter from Eve's to Danny's, don't be alarmed :)

Me and Harry find ourselves raiding the fridge, trying to find decent booze.

 All Tom's got is prosecco, the most disgusting alcoholic drink ever.

I remember the first time I had a glass. I forced myself to drink it, just so I could get a head start in getting absolutely smashed. It made me feel so sick later on though, and it wasn't from the hangover, I don't touch wine or champagne except a Malbec here and there. That's red wine is the best thing to grace this earth and I'm not being dramatic.

"What's this shit?" Harry groans, holding up a bottle of cloudy yellow stuff.

"I really hope that's not his dirty piss" I make a disgusted face. 

"Touch the bottle, see if it's warm" Dougie tells me.

"Eh fuck off, you do it" I stand back.

"What are you two ladies talking about?" Tom questions, walking in with Danny behind him.

"Does this look questionable?" Dougie questions.

"It looks like someone's taken a piss in an old wine bottle, it wasn't y..." Danny starts.

"Hey ho.... we can't complain. At least nobody pissed in a suitcase this time" 

"You've pissed in a suitcase?" Danny chuckles, catching on immediately.

"You were there" I point out, shrugging.

"Oh my god yeah! I remember that! I've never seen a human being that hammered" He laughs, covering his mouth.

I avoid his eyes just like he had done the other day, letting the silence take over the room.

"The foods cooked!!" Gi calls from outside.

"We'll see about that" Danny chuckles, leading the way outside.

"That looks undercooked" I point out.

"They do not! That's proper vegan meat!" Tom defends, standing by the by the barbecue.

"Mate not even the vegans would touch that!" Danny holds his mouth, trying to hold back a gag.

"I thought Danny was bad jeez oh" Izzy laughs.

"That's actually the nicest thing anyone's ever commented on my cooking skills, thanks Iz" He grins.

"Oh I didn't mean in a good way" She adds. I burst out laughing.

"Tom, bin them, nobody's gonna eat them if they are that white" Gi moans.

"You're meant to be my wife, lie and say it looks good"

"Not even Pinocchio could tell a lie that big" Danny tries to avoid eye contact 

"Ha ha very funny Jones" Tom glares.

"It was wasn't it?" He smiles, proudly.

"Who thinks we should order something in?" I question, everyone including Tom puts their hands up.

"Sorted" I clap my hands. Well that was easy.


We're all sat outside on the deck chairs and hammocks, eating the most amazing pizza. Oh my god. It's a food orgasm. 

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