Chapter Thirty Nine- I'll Carry You

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                                Torn down,
                              full of aching
     Somehow our youth would take the blame
                                 Worn out,  
                         the way we let it stay.

(Listen while reading)

"Eve! Danny's on the line" I hear my mum call from the hallway. 

I giddily jump from my bed and quickly out and into the hall. I pick up the phone almost immediately.

"Hello?" I question, a light smile playing on my lips. I couldn't sound too excited.

"Hey darlin, how are things?" His voice rings out. I hadn't seen him in a while so it was nice to finally hear the sound of his voice again.

"I'm good yeah, how about yourself? And why have I the pleasure of talking to you on such a beautiful Tuesday?" I laugh.

"I'm great actually love, keepin busy I guess and because I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to the cinema tonight with me?"

"Yeah of course I would, what time are you thinking?" I ask, the smile on my face widening.

"I'll come pick you up for 8 if that's a good time for you?"

"Yeah of course, I'll see you then Danny"

"Okay great, I'll see you love"

I sit up quickly, looking around and panicking on why I wasn't getting ready for the cinema but then I realized, it was just a faint memory. 

I sigh and rub my eyes before slipping out of bed quietly and walking towards the kitchen. It was still pretty dark outside, it must have only been early morning.

I notice the lights on and Danny boiling the kettle.

"Couldn't sleep too?" I ask as I exit my room, gaining his attention.

"Yeah I guess not, what's on your mind?" He asks me as he brings out a second cup for me.

"Thanks" I smile as I sit down at the table. "I don't know I've just been dreaming about the past, I think it's just unsettling for me and I don't know why" I shrug.

 I watch him slowly, it was almost like he was trying to hide some sort of pain. 

I sigh loudly before going straight into it. "Danny what's wrong?" 

He looks up at me with a confused expression. "What do you mean what's wrong? I'm fine" He replies. 

The thing is with Danny, you can tell when he's not his usual bubbly self, it's hard to catch him not being loud and bubbly.

"You've been so quiet recently, I catch you staring into space the majority of the time and I'm worried."

"Don't be daft Eve, I'm absolutely fine" He chuckles dryly.

 I shake my head slowly, rolling my eyes.

 Danny notices and places down the cup he was giving to me. 

"Why are you rolling your eyes now, why doesn't anyone believe that I am actually okay?" 

"Because we are your closest friends Danny, you can always spea..."

"I don't need to fucking speak to anyone!" He cuts me off as I stand up and go to close my brothers door that was slightly open. 

I walk back over to Danny and look him dead in the eye.

"I only want to help. I'm not attacking you in anyway okay?" He stays silent and sips his tea. 

"Is it Georgia?" I ask. He scoffs shaking his head and angrily gets up from his seat and grabs his jacket.

"Danny what did I say? I'm just asking you a fucking question" I hiss after him, trying to keep my voice down. 

"Why is it always fuckin Georgia? Why does everyone fucking assume it's Georgia? Do you all hate her that much that you're blaming her for everything wrong in my life, in case you fucking forgot, my dad walked out on me when I was young!!" He exclaims, standing in the doorway. 

"Danny that's why you should talk to someone, it's not good building it all up like this" 

"That's fucking ironic coming from the alcoholic doing nothing about it, shouldn't you be going to AA meetings or even fucking rehab like your brother did?" He spits at me. 

My heart has felt that horrible broken feeling a few times in my life  but nothing hurt more than those words he had just spat at me. 

I think he realized how harsh his words actually were because his face dropped and he tried to reach out for me.

I was just trying to help....

"Eve I'm..."

"You said what you had to say..." I trail, my eyes falling to the floor before turning away from him and walking towards my room.

I shut the door harshly maybe enough to wake up the rest of the house. 

My bedroom door is pushed open immediately and I turn to see Danny standing there, regret all over his face.

"I'm not going away until I talk to you and you listen, I'm so sorry about what I just said out there, I'm just under a bit of pressure right now and I don't want to put it on anyone else cause everyone else is dealing with their own shit"

I stand up, shaking my head.

"What? Me being an alcoholic? I'm sorry that I'm an alcoholic Danny I really am and I'm sorry you don't want to tell me anything even though I used to be one of your best friends. What is happening to you? What is happening to us, I can hardly recognise us anymore and it sucks. I just want what we had back.... I want the friendship we had before the relationship back, I miss you Danny and it hu...."

Danny quickly moves towards me and presses his lips against mine passionately. It felt like everything had paused in time, it was just us there. His hands run through my hair as mine wrap around his shoulders, our bodies closing in together just as we hear a faint "Georgia is going to kill you". 

We both jump apart to see Harry and Tom standing there tiredly rubbing their eyes. It was like two children catching their parents in the act. Fuck, what have I done?

Most importantly.... what has he done?
That's the first chapter back! It's short and sweet, the next one will be a very long one don't worry. Let me know what you think! Xx

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