5: Dreams

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Do you like books?

Yeah, love em.

What genre?


... ROMANCE? REALLY?! That's...


... No. That's cool.

You changed your answer.

Pfft... That's not important.

Im a writer. Well, a wannabe.

That's cool. I have always wanted to be a director.

Sounds cool.

I always wanted to make my own movie..

Why don't you try that?


Well you used wanted so I assume you either gave up on your dream or you never tried to make it happen.

I gave up...


'Cause I realized that it would never happen. So I just said "screw it" and threw it away.

You can't just do that.


You can't give up.

But it won't ever come true.

You won't know that unless you try!

Why do you care if I follow my dream?

Because people give up to easily. You can't be apart of them. You need to try!

Still.. what's the point? I'm just setting myself up for failure..

What's the point?! How will we ever work on making a movie together if you don't try directing?!


...Ok. BUT! IF I do actually somehow get to make a movie, you have to be the main role.

That's it! Follow your dreams!

Thanks for the advise, Wendy.

No problem.

Im going to go and try this out! Wish me good luck!

No, Romeo. I wish you the best of luck!



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