9: Bullying

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I can't.

can't what?

I can't go to school.


yeah... I hate people.


it's nothing... how are you?

no why do you hate people?

I appreciate you worrying but it's ok. It's nothing

Wendy, what's going on?

it's nothing

tell me.

it's just some people at my school... It's ok

no. What are they doing?

they are just saying stupid things.. "fat" "ugly" "nobody likes you"

because their stupid

yeah I know "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt"

that phrase is complete bull. Words are the most painful things ever.


yes. prove them wrong. you will be the greatest to ever live. After all ...only the best of the best can star in my movie.


anything for my best/online/ one day I just texted friend.

lol. your a good friend.


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