16: Cold Soup

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Romeo's POV

"Dammit!" I slammed my fist on the table.

"R-Romeo, calm down.." Sherria tried to calm me down. She leaned in closer to me. "People are staring..."

"I-I don't know what to do.."

"You're shaking..."

After that night I broke up with Lisanna, I took a bus to my Uncle's house. I figured that that crying mess would still be lurking in my apartment for quite awhile.

Once at my Uncle's place, all he needed was to see my face to understood what was going on. He offered me to stay the night and, of course, I said yes.

As soon as I woke up the next morning I immediately used his house phone to call Sherria to meet me at the local buffet near my place where I explained the whole situation.

"Excuse me.." I got up from my seat and headed towards the bathroom.

Wendy... Where are you?

"Gah! Look out!"

"Huh?" Too late.


I was drenched in her spilled soup. Thankfully, it was cold soup.

"Ohhhhhh... I. Am. So. Sorry! Here, let me help you!"

"T-thanks..." I was knocked to the ground and my head got drenched with a bowl of soup.

Worst day ever... I mean jeez! Can't this girl be any clumsie-

We locked eyes.

"H-Hello." Our hands touched. The girl blushed on contact.

I gulped at her blush. "H-Hi." She helped me up.

"I- I'm sorry for- uh-" I followed her stare to my wet clothes.

"It's no-uh- problem." My heartbeat kicked up a notch.

Wow, she's so cute! That long blue hair in that ponytail with that little black ribbon! Her figure fits so well with her waitress uniform!

"Have we- have we ever met before?"

She smiled.


As she was about to say something, I noticed she had a black bow tie on.

"Huh?" She looked down at where I was looking.

"..." Her face turned red. Her eyes widened.




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I flew back a few feet.

"Romeo!" Yelled Sherria as she came running to my side.

"W-wait! It was a misunderstanding!"

"Hmpfh!" The blushing waitress turned around and started to walk away pouting.

"W-wait! At least tell my your-" She was officially gone. "....name."

"Wow, she hit you pretty hard... she's a feisty one.." Sherria said with worry examining my jaw.

Reminds me of somebody else I know...

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