18: Ending

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"Please...Tell me your name."

A little gasp escaped the girls lips.

"I suppose you want to know my name to." The boy standing behind her said with a soft tone.

The girl slowly turned around and locked eyes with the boy.

"My name..." Her eyes wondered to the street side of her. A breeze made her long blue hair sway. "My name is not important."

"To me it is!" The boy was looking down while he slammed his fist onto the building in front of him.

Even if you are him, why does it matter? You hate me. She thought.

It was stupid and selfish of me to go find you even though I knew you hated me.

"Why do you even care?" Her face became scrunched up in anger. Her hands in a fist. "We just look and feel familiar to each other! That has nothing to do with the texting!"


The girl had realized what she said and covered her mouth. Tears started to flood her face.

The boy paused and looked at the crying girl.

"W-Wendy?" He said with a growing smile as tears came flowing down.

Her hand was removed from her mouth.


The two stood there. Nobody moved. They just stared at each other with tears in there eyes.

"Romeo, I-"

The girl paused. She couldn't find the right words.

"I- I guess I want to say- I-" She took a deep breath hoping that what she was about to say would change things between them.

"I'm sor-"


Her lips were stopped by the boy's lips.

The girls eyes widened at the sight. The boys eyes were shut tight.

Eventually, the girl had given in to the feeling of being kissed. Of course, this wasn't her first kiss, however it was

her first kiss that felt correct.

The boys eyes slowly opened as he slowly pulled back.

The woman's eyes started to flood with salty tears as she said these words:

"I love you too."

Vote, comment, share, and read! (Yes, there will be 2 epilogues)

Thank you all for reading this book and accompanying me on the wonderful journey of this book! This is honestly my favorite of all my books. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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