15: Memories

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Wendy's POV

'Goodbye' Send.

I put my phone face down on my nightstand. I turned the ringer on silent.

A tear came running down my check. My body was huddled together in my dark room.

"So this is what a broken heart feels like."


I must of fell asleep because when opened my eyes again it was day. July 1st X701.

Year X701? Has it really been a year since I got that first text from him?

[] = Flashbacks


Who's this?

Finally, someone decided to text back. Hey]

I smiled thinking about the texts.

[You had me at "hello."

I didn't even say hello.

Omg, you responded. I didn't think I would make it this far.

How do you even know if I'm a girl or boy? I could be a fat guy in my 40's.]

Memories started to flood my mind. I bit my lip to keep me from smiling like an idiot. It didn't work thankfully.

[Oh, that's cool. While I was in high school, you were in collage. How is it? Describe it in one word.


As to be expected.


How about the day we started texting?

.. You're full of yourself. How do you know if that day was special?

Because I know.

Ok fine. You've convinced me lol



... No. That's cool.

You changed your answer.

Pfft... That's not important.


How'd you know I was pouting?!

I didn't. But I imagine it's cute!

...I hate you.

Love you too you lil dorky dork!


anything for my best/online/ one day I just texted friend.

lol. your a good friend.



I gasped and sat up on my bed immediately.

"No, no, no!" I cried while pulling my legs into my chest.

My bedroom door bursted open. "WENDY!" A woman's voice yelled with fear.

"What happened?!" The voice came closer to me, Suddenly, the woman was hugging me tightly.

I recognize this familiar voice. It's my roommate.

"Carla!" I shouted while looking up at her with tears flowing down my face.

"It's alright.. Come downstairs with me and talk to me about it."


"Are you okay now?" Carla put soup in front of me and a blanket around me.

"I'm glad I got to you when I did. Who knows what crazy things you might have done." She nervously giggled.

Once she saw that I wasn't laughing, she stopped and sat across to me.

"Wendy, snap out of it. Romeo won't text you back. Who cares? He's just another person."

No. I thought. He isn't just another person. He's so much more. It's all my fault why he won't text me back. And when he did, he said he hated me. It's all my fault.

"It's all over." I looked over my shoulder at a picture of one of Carla getting proposed to by her boyfriend, Happy.

"You won't get it..."

I looked at my soup. It was alphabet soup.

I moved my spoon around it a bit. I stooped once I realized It kinda spelled something.

'F I N D'

The only way I can get in touch with him is to... find him.

I gasped and jumped out of my chair.

"I-I have to go! I need to find him!"

"Find who?!" Carla stood up and asked me. I grabbed my jacket off me and Carla's coat hanger.

"Who else?!" I slammed the door shut.

"Oh my- Wendy!"

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