if you don't know

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i sigh waking up it's been almost two weeks since me and Alex ran away i smile walking down the street seeing an old book store deciding to go in . walking in the direction of the CD's as  i look through stopping as i see their first album i smile remembering when they sent one to me in the mail they were so happy and i was so proud . before pulling my phone out turning it on looking at all the messages from Michael all of them saying the same thing and that he was sorry . i look to see my mothers name in the missed calls i click her name looking up dropping my phone '' what's wrong babe '' i look at the man with a smile on his face '' leave me alone milo .''

I say trying to go around him only to have him grab my wrist '' oh come on '' he says as i turn sharply around '' no leave me alone you ruined my life '' i say as he lets go '' oh come on you know you liked it no you loved it '' he says drawing out the l . '' no i became addicted to drugs i have so no and leave me the hell alone '' i say running out the store and back to the hotel i stop by the pool seeing it was empty . i look down at my phone seeing the missed calls were also from him i throw my phone down on the ground causing it to shatter on Impact holding my screams back . i look torwards the pool remembering how when i was younger water always seemed to calm me my dad always said it kind of washes the pain away i blink my tears away as i walk to the stairs removing my shoes , before slowly inching my way into the cold water until my feet could bearly touch the bottom as i slowly sink down . i close my eyes as the calming sensation of water surrounds me as i cover my ears as the dangorus Anxious throught vanish from my head . i start to remember everything that went bad in my life before my thoughts wonder to when i first met milo i can feel myself shake i hated that man before i realized i was screaming out in anger feeling my lungs grow tighter before I'm pulled out by two arms .

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