Reaching the limit

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I laugh jumping up as I beat Michael for the fifth time in turn sticking my tongue out at him playfully. " damn how did you get so good " he says messing with his red hair " I had a lot of free time " I say shivering from the memories . "hey Michael the '' i hear Luke say walking in before stopping i smile running to him hugging him '' Lukas '' i say feeling him mess my hair up '' hey watch it '' he says playfully . '' wait how did you know '' i say as Michael stands '' i texted him the address saying i left '' Michael says i move the stray hairs out of my face i look over at my phone hearing it ring . seeing my moms name across the screen '' hello '' i say hearing her huff '' you invited your father '' she says anger clear in her voice '' no i didn't '' i say sitting down '' you made it to where i couldn't contact him five  years ago remember. '' i shake my head '' thanks for the happy birthday by the way '' i say ending the call i groan covering my face throwing my phone on my bed . '' so what do you guys like to do '' i say as  he smiles '' well since we haven't seen each other in like a year why not 21 questions  '' he says as i smile '' ok .'' i laugh falling on my back as Michael shakes his head i sit up as they look at the time standing '' well it's getting late and we have to go to the studio tomorrow '' Luke says as he hugs me i smile nodding '' I don't go to class Saturday and Sunday '' i say as they nod . i look down at my phone seeing Alex texted me

Alex :  hey wanna hang ?

Me: sure meet at my dorm in ten 

i respond before my phone rings i look a the unknown number i answer it '' hello '' i say '' hey babe '' is all i hear before i end it throwing my phone down breathing hard shaking my head . i look over at my shelf seeing my pill as i take one calming my nerves i close my eyes '' no that's not you anymore '' i say to myself as i hear a knock '' i open my door seeing Alex '' lets go spray paint '' i say grabbing my bag . i smile laughing as i pull my mask off looking at my art looking towards Alex seeing her spray paint  XY rejects across the wall i nod '' i like it '' i say as she smiles i look back seeing lights '' go '' i say as she grabs her things crawling through the crawl space. i hide behind the box in front of me hearing the door being broken off it's hinges i look over at my bag pulling it over my shoulder as i look towards the door  i carefully crawl towards the door before hearing someone behind me '' freeze '' i hear as handcuff are placed on my wrists '' fuck '' i whisper under my breath . i sigh sitting on the bench looking through the bars at the cops as a female walks over unlocking the door '' your free to go '' she says signing papers '' what do you mean '' i ask as she sets the pen down '' your bail was paid for '' she says as i stand '' who paid my bail '' i say to myself before walking outside '' hey '' i say looking at the person in front of me .

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