Game over

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I smile finishing my food as I set my cup down ''ok ready to go '' I ask as Alex nods '' ok if we hurry we can still catch that movie '' she says as I grab my bag . I laugh out the movies throwing our things away in the trash as we walk through the ally a short cut that me and Alex have known since the guys moved to their own apartment about a year ago. '' best movie ever '' I say hearing Alex chuckle at my childish actions '' so how far is our uber '' I ask as Alex checks her phone '' ten minuets .'' she says as we turn the corner seeing two men blocking our way '' just enough time for us '' I hear behind us making me quickly snap around seeing a male with a mask on . '' what do you want '' I ask grabbing Alex's hand protectively '' one simple thing '' he says hearing the smile in his voice . '' and what's that '' I snap anger clear in my voice hearing him and the two men behind him laugh '' you '' he says as they all surround me and Alex '' who are you '' I say fear starting to take over, but not show . the male talking to us looks over at the male in front of me nodding his head in approval I watch in horror as the man in front of me takes his mask off '' you bastard '' I say looking at the man clenching my fist .

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