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Luke's pov - I all happened so fast before I could even say Emily's name she was out the door I stand grabbing her bag as I run out of the diner after her. I look down at my phone seeing no calls from Emily '' where can she be '' I say to myself for what seemed like the hundredth time in the past two hours . I look over seeing the park that I took Em to last night causing me to smile remembering her face and the smile that was plastered on her face I stop seeing her on the swing set that we were on not even twenty four hours ago . I get out of my car walking over to her I sit down in the swing next to her seeing the faint lines of water on her cheeks telling me she was crying . '' the reason why I've never been to a park '' she says her voice shaky as she takes a deep breath as she looks at me her eyes red and puffy .

Emily's pov - I look into Luke's blue eyes as I release the breath I was holding I was going to tell him something so deep ,something even Alex doesn't know . '' I was five when it happened '' I say shaking slightly as I feel a Jacket being placed on my shoulders '' my dad always disappeared what seemed like everyday for me was actually every other week , But one day he came home acting weird so being the child I was i decided to bring him a cookie that me ,and my mom made. '' I say closing my eyes taking another breath '' my dad tried to kill me '' I say as my shoulders shake followed by more tears '' I mean I should have known because after that day he started hitting me .'' I say grabbing my wrist squeezing it '' my mom knew he was hitting me but she never knew how bad so she didn't do anything until my dad tried to kill me again '' i say showing the scar on my shoulder . '' after that he was arrested and my mom cut off all communication with him ,but when I was 13 he got out of jail ,and tried to convince my mom to let him see me again that's when my mom pushed me away she forced me into a bording school . I stayed their for three years before getting kicked out for doing drugs '' I say '' after I came home I decided that I hated who I was so I changed that's when I met Alex '' I say as I feel Luke pulling my hand away from my wrist '' Em'' he says looking at my now bleeding arm . I look down at the gravel moving my hair out of my face as I kick the ground leaving dents in the ground . '' I mean maybe I deserved it '' I say standing '' Em don't say that '' he says as I shake my head '' no all I've done is lie I hurt everyone I meet everyone thinks I'm the good two shoes of the school. when in reality I'm the girl that never wants to leave her Dorm , that hates herself so much , the girl who isn't what everyone thinks she is '' I say as I'm suddenly engulfed in Warmth '' everybody's got their demons '' he says as he rubs my back '' but in the end they make you who you are and they make you stronger I know about everyone else but I like the person you are I always will. '' he says as he pulls away looking into my eyes maybe this time he sees what I really feel as I look into his eyes seeing what seemed my life line the thing that's supost to keep me going almost like Alex's eyes . I smile '' thanks '' i say as he rubs my back '' I'll always be here '' he says as we hug again.

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