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Aelin spent the time before the servants arrived digesting the little information she had, there was a high lord, who she suspected was the blond male who had questioned her when she had appeared on the dining room table. Aelin wondered if the female with the brown hair was going to be there, the male and her had some sort of relationship, but there was something off about it. The female seemed reasonable and down to earth, a possible ally. She vaguely remembered a red haired male, probably an advisor of some sorts. And she was in some place called the spring court, which wasn't very helpful. Aelin had never heard of it, but that pointed to that where ever the wyrd portal had taken her, it was far away. Maybe in another world, maybe in another universe... she had to get back. Aelin decided she would start tomorrow.  First she would test the water. 

Aelin subtly  glanced around, straining her human ears for a sound. She decided she would take the risk, she needed to test how her powers would react in this world. Aelin shifted into her fae form, relishing in how swift and strong she felt. Still just a sliver of her former glory, but she had made it back before and she would make again. Aelin swallowed and summoned the smallest bit of flame on her middle finger. A silent fuck you to Maeve, who had tried to contain and control that flame. Aelin flinched as a column of flame shot through her, at first she panicked stifling the flame on her finger. But as soon as the pain had come it went, but there was something different. Aelin reached into the well of her power, plunging down for the bottom. Then it hit her- well didn't hit her- it seemed bottomless, even more so than before. More power, she thought, staring at her bandaged hands. That familiar fear crept through Aelin, no- she scowled herself she would not resent or fear her power. Her  power. No one else's, no one could control it- or her.  

A thought struck Aelin, and she bolted towards the washing basin. She stared for a second at the clear water within. Then she commanded it, just like she did with her fire. Aelin's suspicions were confirmed when it was easy, she was able to lift all the water in the basin and contort it in whatever she wanted. Almost as easily as with fire. Another thought occurred to her, maybe in this world she would be able to summon water from the air, like Rowan did with his ice. Aelin sat down on the lush rug, ignoring her aching bones, and stared at her hands. The most delightful thing happened, above her hand a small sphere of water began to form accumulating more water as she urged it to grow. Aelin started to panic when the waterball had become the size of her own head, crap. How do you get rid of water? It wasn't like fire where she could just cut the supply of. 

Aelin stiffened when she heard footsteps down the hall. Shit. She started to consider drinking it when she remembered she had fire powers. She summoned a small but very strong flame in her palm, and in seconds the ball of water had evaporated. There was a sharp tap on the door, aelin jumped up from the rug, immediately regretting it because of the shot of pain through her legs. Aelin shifted back into her human form, already missing the strength of her fae form. 

She straightened her silk nightgown, and called, "Come in!"

A female walked in her face set in a firm line and a pile of dresses slung over her arm. Aelin had the impression she was a no nonsense type, better than the sickly sweet act of Ianthe.

The female surveyed her up and down before stomping into the room and laying the dresses on the bed. 

She began rummaging through the dresses, occasionally glancing up at her shaking her head and returning to her rummaging. 

"You go bathe, I'll look for something smaller. Fresh undergarments will be on the bed, when you get out.", she said sternly, straightening her back and rubbing her hands on her dress.

Aelin stood from the mattress nodding, as she walked towards the bathroom the female called after her from the door, "You have twenty minutes tops. Don't be late or I'll drag you out, the high lord does not like being kept waiting."

Again, with this high lord. They acted like he was a king. Aelin nodded, not bothering with bullshit smiles, this female would not appreciate it and probably see right through them.


Aelin emerged from the bathroom, she had only had seven minutes to bathe since removing all her bandages had taken forever. Aelin put on the simple undergarments and tried to ignore how  frail she looked. There was a knock on the door before the female returned carrying more dress and more undergarments. Two other females followed her in carrying bandages and tonic before shutting the door behind them. The two females were dressed similarly to Ianthe, but far more simplistic. They all gave her pitting looks that she snarled at, before returning to their individual tasks.

The servant from before, strode back the bed and resumed her rummaging while the other two rushed over to her. One began soaking the nastier wounds with an ointment while the other prepared the fresh bandages. When she had finished they wrapped her head to toe again in bandages, and left the room, the whole time not saying a word and throwing her pitiful glances.

The female then rose from her work and walked over, handing her some additional pieces for under the dress, stockings and a corset? Aelin raised her eyebrows. 

"I don't think the corset is necessary.", she said gesturing to her skinny waist.

The female nodded and shrugged, "I was just giving you the option.", before throwing stockings and a soft band at her.

Aelin put on the garments, while the servant busied herself with the dress, frilly and pastel blue. It was pretty, sure, but it gave of the innocent and vulnerable vibe which Aelin didn't particularly like because she actually did feel rather weak. It was modest which she supposed was for the best, since she didn't have much to show off at the present. 

When she was finally dressed, Aelin surveyed herself in the full length mirror. Her face was quaint but the swipe of coal on her eyes and slight blush on her cheeks did help. The dress did give her a little bit of curviness to her body. She looked fine she decided, but not amazing- like usual.

Aelin was being pushed out of the door by the female servant, who after a few sarcastic remarks had seemed to warm up to her. But she had just thought of something, Aelin turned around and put a hand on the woman's shoulder.

"Wait!", she shouted.

The female froze, "What?", she answered impatiently.

"I haven't eaten in a long  time, and from my previous experiences, if I eat, I'll throw up."

The servant bit her cheek and looked to her ceiling, "Just drink, and later I'll bring up some light food."

Aelin nodded, and turned back, marching down the hallway. Then she stopped again, the servant almost running into her.

"I still might throw up."

The servant sighed loudly, "Then only drink a little!" she said before pushing her forward.

Nameless ( A Court of Mist and Fury and Throne of Glass Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now