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"What is ashwood?" Celaena asked, not looking at Feyre.

Feyre looked at Celaena, her eyes were glazed over, this was the first thing she had said in hours. She looked more broken, more in pain than she had when she had appeared on the dining room table, torn apart and bleeding.

"Ashwood is a wood that drains Fae of their magic and energy." She replied.

Celaena swallowed, "Like Iron?"

"Iron doesn't affect Fae in this world."

After a nod, they fell back into silence. In the light of the Day Court, Celaena's golden hair was a living flame, Feyre was surprised Celaena hadn't burned her alive after she had winnowed Celaena from Tamlin and refused to winnow her back. They had shouted and argued until Celaena had finally agreed to continue to the Night Court, where Rhysand and the court would be able to help get Rowan back.

Now the flame she had thought would burn her alive was gone from Celaena's eyes.

Feyre chewed her cheek, "Who is Rowan?" she had asked before but Celaena had avoided the question.

"It's complicated-"

"Her mate." a familiar voice growled.

They spun on their heels, the flame collar reappeared around Feyre's neck and the daggers returned to Celaena's hands, her own growl answering.

Cassian stood tall, sword in hand, his stare unusually serious.


The girl- Aelin, was deathly thin, bandaged, and mangled. And her eyes, when they met his. Layers and layers of pain, sorrow, and worry. It disturbed him enough that he didn't kill her on sight even with his Highlady in danger.

"Who are you?" she snarled, knuckles whitening around the twin daggers.

Cassian ran an eye over Feyre, he saw no bruises or marks, and though she was thinner than he remembered, it was barely noticeable when she stood next to Aelin.

Feyre spoke freely despite the fire around her, "That's Cassian, he's from the night court."

"How do you know about Rowan?" Aelin demanded, taking a smooth, practiced step forward. Cassian almost grinned, Rowan had good tastes, with more meat on her bones the female would have been stunning, and from the way she moved and held her daggers she was more skilled of a warrior than most of his soldiers.

Cassian gave her a quizzical look, "Release her and maybe I'll tell you, Aelin."

Feyre's eyebrows shot up and she twisted her neck towards the growling female, "Aelin?"

The fire surrounding Feyre's neck disappeared, but Aelin didn't answer.

Feyre turned on the girl, refusing to be ignored, "Why does he think your name is Aelin?"

Aelin sighed, "Because it is."

The way she spoke and snarled, it's something he still recognized in Feyre, the mortal youth, although he fangs and pointed ears told him she was fae. Something was off about her, and she was most definitely young, why would someone want to capture her? How could someone with so little life be damaged and mangled like this?

Feyre crossed her arms and stepped next to the Aelin, "Why would you lie about your name?"

Cassian was beginning to doubt this was a hostage situation.

"Why does it matter? It's just a name that in this world has zero connotation." Aelin said defiantly, keeping her eyes on Cassian.

"Then why lie about it?"

Nameless ( A Court of Mist and Fury and Throne of Glass Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now