Pine and Snow

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Aelin clucked her tongue and looked away from Feyre, debating how much she could trust her. She wanted to. But this where trusting people had gotten her.

And despite all of that, Aelin was too drained to think of some elaborate lie, and she genuinely liked the girl, so she began, "It's complicated. Very, very complicated."

Feyre grinned and leaned back, her eyes twinkling "That's fine. I've been told I am very, very intelligent."

Aelin huffed a laugh that felt rather forced, swallowed and began to explain, "Terrasen is a real place. It's just not here, in this world."

Feyre gave her a skeptical look, that Aelin couldn't decipher much because  she was suddenly overcome with a foreign presence. In her brain.. her mind. Just it had come, it went, silently, softly, and suddenly. She glanced up at Feyre, maybe she had felt it too, who had a forced expression of normalcy. On the other hand,  ever since... things had happened, as much as she tried not to think of it, Aelin was constantly on edge.

 She fought past the unnerving moment, trying to erase the memory of the feeling, "I know it's hard to believe, but-"

"It's okay," Feyre interrupted, nodding, not meeting Aelin's eyes, "I believe you." 

"Anything else?"she continued.

Aelin leaned back shaking her head, close to forgetting what had happened, "You first. Where are you from?"

"Well that's rather complicated too."

"I think I can handle it.", she retorted.

"Well, I was originally came from a mortal town by the wall," at Aelin's confusion Feyre clarified, "There's a wall separating the fae... do you know about fae?" 

She nodded.

Feyre leaned in closer, intrigued, "Do you have fae in your world?"

"This is your story." Aelin reminded her. 

Feyre nodded, and continued, "And then... for very confusing reasons, Tamlin" she said the name with more than a hint of resentment, "....kidnapped me, and took me here."

"Okay... " Aelin answered, giving herself time to sort through and file the information, "but if you were mortal why are you fae now?"

Feyre sighed, "Long story short, I was murdered and brought back to life. As a fae."

Aelin's eyes widened, "Wow. Okay. One question, I couldn't help but noticed that there is some... tension between you and Tamlin."

Feyre reluctantly nodded.

"So why are you still here with him?"

She grimaced, "Fine. I'll tell you but first. I couldn't help but notice that you smell... weird."

Aelin raised her eyebrows, a little surge of panic jumping in her throat, that she quickly stifled with sarcasm, "Well, to be fair today was the first bath I've had in months."

"You know what I mean, you don't smell... human.", she pressed with a smile.

Deciding to embrace it, Aelin grinned, "because I'm not." and shifted into her fae form.  She felt more secure like this, and she sat up straighter. Feyre on the contrary, ran her eyes over her, pausing at her fangs and pointed ears, her mouth slightly open and her eyes wide.

She debated showing her fire and water off, but Aelin decided to keep that to herself. Just in case she had misplaced her trust.

"How does that work? You're fae.. but you can be a human?" Feyre said, breaking the silence.

Nameless ( A Court of Mist and Fury and Throne of Glass Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now