I Want To

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Mor glared at the male's back- Rowan, she didn't know what had gotten into Rhys. First he was refusing to get Feyre back, even though he could and she could tell it was killing him. Now he was allowing this stranger to stay, in Velaris, the city all of them had sacrificed so much to keep hidden. He should've have killed him on sight. Right then and there. But no, here Rowan was, eating their food, and being given a map.

Why? Because him and Rhysand shared some special bond. Just because he too was separated from his mate. And yes, Mor did feel a pang of sympathy towards the male. But the anger that her high lady was in the very same court she had saved her from overpowered it. Everything was just wrong. 

She didn't move when Az slid up beside her, his form covered in shadows. The rest of the court just went along with this, this insane risk.

"I don't trust him." she muttered to him.

The shadows paled and she caught the flick of movement as Azriel nodded, "But Rhysand does."

"Rhys can hardly function, much less think right.", Mor said defiantly.

He grimaced behind the shadows, "It's hard on everyone."

She grunted ending the conversation. 


Rowan sat in his seat waiting for Rhysand to return with the map, Armen's and Cassian's eyes watched him carefully and he could feel Mor's eyes baring into his back. They had every right to be suspicious. Rhysand returned a scroll in hand he snapped his fingers and the food on the table cleared, he had little time to wonder what kind of magic, that was before Rhysand sprawled the map on the table. 

"This," he said, gesturing to a large part of the map that had close to no cities or markings, "is the mortal lands, Here," he pointed at a small area that was covered in mountains, again almost having no markings, "is where we are now, the Nightcourt." 

Rowan nodded.

"Below us is the Day court, then the Dawn court, the Winter court, the Summer, the Autumn, and finally, " Rhysand said in a strained voice, "the Spring court."

A collective growl went around the room.

Rowan took the moment to memorize the map the best he could before asking, "Is there any place that I definitely don't want her to be? Where would she be in the most danger?"

Rhysand ran a hand through his dark hair, "Well," he started, "the courts are all relatively safe, I would say the Spring court wouldn't be pleasant, but" he said bitterly, "I am biased." 

He paused, his face falling, "And, admittedly, the worst court to be in would be mine- Not this part," he clarified, "but there are some parts that are very dangerous."

Rowan couldn't help tapping his fingers nervously. If she was hurt- or worse.. he wouldn't let himself even think of it. 

Rhysand glanced at him, "If she did turn up there they should've contacted me."

Rowan nodded, appreciating the male's attempt to reassure him, "Is there a way I could search there?" 

The male straightened, hesitating. He bit his lip and shoved his hands into his pockets. Before Rhysand could think of an answer, Mor stormed up to him, "No! He can't."

Rowan raised an eyebrow but didn't feel like getting in between this argument that seemed to be in the making for a long time. Asking their permission was just a formality anyway.

Rhysand gave her an exhausted yet empathetic sigh, "Mor, he's looking for his mate."

"I don't care, we can't just trust someone who came from nowhere. You shouldn't even be allowing him to stay here," she said in a rising voice, "after everything we've- after every thing you've sacrificed to keep it safe!" 

Then the dam broke, "After all the things you've done to get Feyre, and you just let her be taken away- and when you could easily go out and get her back- our Highlady. But instead you sit around- sulking and now you're helping this random male get his mate back! While you let her decay with the very prick we saved her from!"

Mor gasped for air, but said nothing more. She stared at Rhysand, waiting for a reaction, they all did. No one objected what she had said, it seemed they were all thinking it- but didn't know when or how to say it. 

Rhysand, though speechless, did not look shocked. He looked guilty, he looked like he agreed with every word Mor had screamed at him. Despite this he did not look away, he met her glare.

He swallowed, and in a quiet tormented voice he began, "I want to Mor, I want to get her back."

"Then do it!" she snarled , taking a step forward, "You know you could- you could be there right now if you wanted to get her back!"

"I do want to." he said sternly, "I want to, but she doesn't want to comeback, she wants to destroy them from the inside- and it's a good plan, it's our best plan. And that is why I. Can. Not. get her back."

Mor's voice dropped down, and she said with desperation, "But it's killing you, she's in danger, we need to be together at times like these. Just tell her she has to come back, and then go get her!"

Rhysand ran a hand over his face and through his hair, "I can't." he growled, "because I promised her and myself that I would never prevent her from doing anything she could- because I refuse to be anything like him."  He bared his teeth and Rowan knew the argument would be over soon, "So, no matter how much it kills me, I. Can. Not. I can not get her back, unless she tells me to."

There was a moment of silence where both Mor's and Rhysand's shoulders slumped in defeat.

"No matter how much it kills me." He whispered.


Hope you enjoyed (again sorry for not updating in awhile) 

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