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"It's blocked." Feyre whispered, halting their trek through the dark forest. Aelin wasn't complaining, she was on the verge of collapsing, and she had stopped trying to wash the taste of vomit from her mouth, the break was welcomed.

But Feyre was wide eyed in fear and shock so she wheezed out, "What is?"

"The bond." she stated, a promise of death lining the words.

Aelin leaned against a tree, "What do you mean?"

"Usually I can," she paused, like she was preoccupied with another task, "talk to him through the mate bond."

Even through her exhaustion something squirmed at the mentioning of the mate bond.

"But it's blocked now, and not by him."

Aelin nodded, "What do you want to do?" she asked gripping the tree.

"You said you might take me to the night court in the ransom note, right?" she said, beginning to pace.

Aelin slid down to the ground "Yes."

She stopped, "We're going to the night court, I'll see if everything okay, and then I'll come back when I have a plan and I'm ready."

Feyre looked at her, adding "After helping you get home of course."


Days of hiking and they were only half way through what Feyre called the Winter court, if anything it was hell frozen over. If this was like Terrasen was in the winter, Aelin didn't know how she was going to survive. All the clothes she had packed in her bag had gradually made their way onto her, meaning none of them were clean and all of them were wet. Feyre had been mostly silent. Offering her breaks that Aelin gladly accepted. The Highlady's hands twitched nervously and she constantly had a distant expression. If Aelin had the energy she would have comforted Feyre, or told her of Rowan so she didn't feel so alone. But instead she just focused on moving her legs and breathing.

Aelin hated that they couldn't run because of how weak she was, they had tried but it had been too much for her. According to Feyre they would have to pass through four more courts before reaching the Night court, the winter was the last seasonal one, which Aelin and Feyre were glad of, whether it was blistering heat or freezing cold it was horrible.

Feyre stopped in front of her, whirling to look behind them, "What?" Aelin asked.

Feyre's nose twitched and her hand shot up, silencing Aelin.

Aelin's fae ear strained and she sniffed the air, but the wind that seemed to change direction every moment carried no alarming scent and she could hear nothing over it.

Her muscled groaned as she twisted to where Feyre surveyed, a gust of frozen wind stung her skin as it rushed to her face, her hair flying back. And the scent finally reached her nose, and she felt Feyre step forward behind her.

She inhaled the wind, the scent, just to make sure.

There was no doubt, it was the scent of spring in a winter's land, Tamlin. Faint enough to be a mile or so away.

She reached back to grab Feyre's wrist, twisting to face her, "We can't run, we have to face him."

"He'll get here quickly, he's in his beast form."

Aelin didn't have time to question what exactly his beast form was, but she remembered the claws he had grown when she had thrown the knife. Despite herself she smiled a little.

"We have to run, if I fight him it will ruin my whole plan." Feyre said biting her lip.

Aelin didn't hesitate before saying, "It's fine, I'll fight him."

Nameless ( A Court of Mist and Fury and Throne of Glass Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now