The Bitch and the Beast

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Aelin walked through the corridors, casually admiring herself in the reflections of the windows. Once you got past how frail and sickly she was, the dress didn't look half bad. The bandages that wrapped up her neck, elongated it and gave her an edge. Not to mention the two savage lines down her cheekbones, if it weren't for the story behind them, Aelin would've liked them. She wondered how Rowan would take them, would he see the odd beauty of them or just see where someone had hurt her. 

"Right through those doors." said the servant female guiding her, pointing at a set of wooden doors adorned with golden leaves and flowers. A little much for lunch, Aelin thought to herself, taking the remaining steps to the closed doors. She looked back, waving goodbye to the servant as they walked back up the stairs. Then Aelin returned her eyes to the doors. Two flowers arched to form delicate gold handles, a normal person would have open one door and slipped in. But Aelin was queen, and even if she had no intention of telling them that, she was going to act like it.

So she took hold of both handles and pushed them open, shoulders back, head high, and with an arrogant smirk on her lips, Aelin strutted into the dining room, her eyes meeting the leaf green ones of the blond male who sat at the head of the table. She did not look away, she would not look away until he broke the stare. Goddamn her, she was just as bad as Aedion and Rowan. Both the red haired male and the brown haired female were there, she noticed from the corners of her eyes. The table was ridiculously large for only four people. Aelin wondered if they had only decided to eat here to try to intimidate her. 

She grinned wider as she slowly, calmly walked to the chair opposite to the male, it was a good three meters away from him, and from some perspectives, the real head of the table. Aelin slid into the chair her body relaxed and lose, leaning  on the arm rest, and holding the stare. Her grin crueler by the second. The female was also looking at her, an amused expression with a hint of admiration on her face. The red headed male was looking straight ahead, pretending nothing was going on.

Finally the red haired male cleared his throat, giving the blond an excuse to look away. Aelin slid his gaze to him, and as he turned to look her back she noticed with some surprise the mechanical eye adorned with a scar, her smile turned alittle softer and more genuine. The male looked away, glancing between his companions. The female began casually serving herself food from the platters that were emitting intoxicating smells. The mechanical male sighed and followed her lead. 

The male at the head, however, leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, "What is your name?"

Hmm, what was her name? She could choose any name she wanted, but she felt more comfortable with her defaults: Aelin Glayathinus  or Celaena Sardothien. Though Terrasen was probably too far away for them to know about her, using Aelin seemed too risky. 

"My name is Celaena Sardothien, and your's is?"

The blond look displeased with her answer but responded, "I am Tamlin, High lord of the spring court. This," he said gesturing to the male on his right, "is Lucien, a member of my court." Lucien nodded politely.

"And Feyre, my fiancée"  Feyre smiled at her, a true, genuine smile which Aelin gladly returned. 

"How did you get on my dinning room table?" Tamlin continued his eyes narrowing.

Aelin opened her mouth but was cut of by him, "You said something about an iron box?"

She cleared her throat and gave him a pointed look, "I was going to say that I was held captive in an iron box."

She waited until he spoke, "Yes, but how did yo-"

Aelin cut him off, dismissively waving a hand, "Magic", she answered mysteriously, throwing a leg over the chair and delicately picking up the glass of wine. Completely at home.

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