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There was no air in Rhysand's lungs to roar or scream, his tongue was useless in his mouth, his body motionless, too heavy to move. His mate had been taken against her will. The thread that he had clung to- that she wished to be there, was snapped and the could feel himself falling into a sea panic and emptiness. Rhys was vaguely aware of the companions surrounding him, Mor's knuckles were white as her hands clutched the back of the chair he stood by. Az and Cassian both had drawn their swords. And Amren just stood, awaiting command. They all were, waiting for him to command them, or for a response. But there was such roaring silence in his mind, everything had stopped, his heart, his blood. Of course, they were only rumors he reminded himself, only rumors. His mind slowly clicked back into motion, if Feyre had been kidnapped she would have told him through the bond- he would have felt her panic.

He knew one reach down the bond would confirm or shatter his hopes. But Rhysand waited, his eyes fluttering closed as he attempted to inhale and exhale, she was probably fine and he didn't want to alarm her with his own panic. He opened his eyes, mouth in a firm line and plunged down the bond- only to hit a wall- a block, a divide. Not her familiar barrier that had his stomach coiling in anger, worry, and hurt- and wrongness, but a foreign barrier. One that he did not recognize, an invader in this precious and holy tie between them. The coiled rage exploded and he threw all of it, the anger, the fear, at that alien wall. And it did not fall, it did not shudder under that immense power.

"It's blocked." Rhysand stated, his lips like lead.

They had known him for centuries and he didn't have to clarify what was blocked. Rhys looked up, and he wished in that moment that he wasn't their Highlord, that they weren't all looking at him for a plan. That he could turn to someone else to guide him to tell him what to do to get her back, because right now, he didn't know what to.

"Break through!" Mor growled.

Rhysand met her eyes and saw the words she held back, it's your fault. And it was, he had no choice but to believe that she had been taken, if he had listened to Mor and gotten her out when she had told him to, it would have been fine. Feyre would be beside him.

He swallowed, "I tried. It didn't do anything." Even as Rhys said the words he didn't quite believe them, his whole life he had been labeled the most powerful fae male in existence, yet he was unable to break this divide.

"Rhys," Azriel began, taking a stride forward to clasp a hand on his shoulder, "there's more."

Rhysand nodded, and Azriel continued, "They're saying that a woman took her, her name being Celaena. She matches the description of Rowan's mate."

More guilt and regret washed through him, it was all his fault. Rhys should have listened to Mor, how could he have gone through so much to protect the ones he loved and still been naïve enough to allow a stranger into his court. And Celaena, he knew that name, Feyre had mentioned her only days before, but he had been too busy to ask her about it. If only he had asked, maybe he would have been able to detect her ill will, and then he would have gotten her out of there. 

Every word Rowan had muttered about the girl- Aelin, Celaena, he didn't know, played in Rhysand's head. One thing stuck out, So she's dangerous? Very. 

"What are we going to do?" Cassian's voice echoed through the silent house, strong and clear. None of his usual humor, and Rhysand was thankful for it. 

One more time Rhys gathered his power and hurled it at the barrier. Nothing, no response, no reaction.

"We're going to find Feyre, and Celaena. And then Rowan."

"And if she's hurt.." he didn't have to finish. After all, they had known each other for centuries. 

Rowan had never flown so fast, he didn't swerve to avoid trees. His wings hit branches as the rush of his wind guided him. It was this vague pull at his magic, and he just let it take over, let himself hurl through the channel it created, blindly hoping it would lead to Aelin. His mind never strayed from her. Maybe it made him a horrible male that he could care less about this world, or the court he had left, that all he could care about was Aelin. But she was his mate, and she was in danger, everything else was second to her. 

Rowan had been flying for hours, if not days, and he had passed through many lands that he hadn't even bothered to glimpse at, but he remembered biting cold and snow blinding him, and now, he saw yellow and orange leaves whip around him. He had a moment of clarity and he went through the mental list he had memorized from the map, Night Court, Day Court, Dawn Court, Winter Court, Summer Court, Autumn Court- that must be where he was now, and lastly the Spring Court. He would have hope she was in the mortal lands, but the image of fangs piercing Aelin's delicate flesh was too firmly seared into his memory for him to believe in that foolish hope. 

The smell of blooming flowers wove into his channel and his heart quickened, but he could feel a burnout creeping near, his magic was slower, his wings hurt, his eyes unable to analyze each and every stone as they had before. But his magic was still being pulled, so he still followed. 

The first arrow came when his current had faded and it was only the beating of his wings that kept Rowan flying. He saw it not a second too soon, and the last of his feeble wind intersected it, sending it off course. He dove into the trees, wings screaming when he pulled up, narrowly missing a branch, and hoped they would conceal him from the attacker. They did not, two arrows were fired in it's place. Rowan dropped to avoid them and when his wings could not pull him up, he had no choice but to shift as he hit the forest ground, the weight of his weariness hitting him fully. His palms stung but he forced himself up, surveying for the attacker. 

Then a sharp point tore through Rowan's skin, through the muscle and flesh of his leg, and the shot of pain took all his magic with it. He stumbled, and another arrow, screaming with the same wrongness of the first one, the same wrongness as iron, was shot, cutting through his forearm. And then he collapsed. 


My apologies for the wait. I hope you enjoyed, and if you want some Rowaelin Reunited Fluff/Angst please go check out my new story (Rowaelin Oneshots)!! :) have a good day all. 

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