(1) I got bitten by a....

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"I got bitten by a...."

Chapter 1

I entered a radio contest and they asked me the easiest question. What is Kanye West's full name? So I answered Kanye Omari West. I know I know... I'm just a farmer, so how would I even know who Kanye West is, right? I have a cousin that lives in Manila, the capital of Philippines. When we visited him and my Aunt, he told me that Kanye West is "The bomb??" I don't even know what that means but I guess that's a good thing. I was in luck that I knew what to answer to their question.

So I won the contest, and got two tickets of free vacation to London for a week to an all expense paid trip. That is great, but I can only bring one person. I called my cousin and told him everything; I asked him if he wanted to go with me, and he did.

As we were now flying overseas my cousin and I are talking about what were going to do in London. First I told him we should check out all the famous landmarks there, and then I told him to try and teach me how to pick up girls. Hello I'm just a farmer I don't see beautiful girls often.

We arrived at the airport and tried to find a cab. Then when we got to the Hotel where it is definitely BEAUTIFUL. The floor from the ceiling was very up top, the colors of the wall are very nice to the eyes, and the furniture in the lobby was exquisite. When we got to our rooms the walls were the same, the bathroom was as usual beautiful, the beds are really big and very soft. The view from our room was very beautiful; you can see the famous BIG BEN CLOCK. I can't believe that were here, I can't believe were in London right now. I'm so glad I joined that contest, and I'm so lucky I WON that contest!

"Dude were here! Were in LONDON BAYBI!" my cousin Paolo said, full of amusement.

"I know! This is what do you call it? "AWESOME?" right?" I said.

"Haha yea dude! This is really awesome! Thanks for bringing me man."

"Are we gonna get all mushy now?" I said holding out a laugh.

"Shut up! At least I thanked you. I'm not heartless you know."

"Hey that's a Kanye West song. Besides, I should be thanking you. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be able to answer that question. If it wasn't for your stalking ability, we wouldn't be here."

"Dude! I am not a stalker!" he said.

"Yes you are actually, you know everything about Kanye, when I say everything, and I mean everything. I think you even know whether he has a birth mark or not."

"Shut up man! Let's just rest first that was a one long flight." He said looking really tired.

"Yea yea, I'm tired too." As he lay down on his bed, I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Damn! This bathroom is really cool."

"Dude you're acting like a little girl who saw something shiny!"

"Shut up!" Then it took me almost an hour inside the shower.

When I got back to our room, Paolo looks really exhausted so I just let him sleep. I turned on the TV, and as much as I like London right now, I didn't like the channels here. So I went to grab a chair, placed it in front of the window and just looked at the view outside. It's was very beautiful, all the lights looked amazing like you're in a town full of fireflies. I'm really happy that I get to have a vacation like this, I've been helping my Mother and Father in our farm and I never had the chance to be so free like this, to be free from work, and I can finally find a girl for me, who will like me for who I am. All the girls at my place are beautiful, but none of them got my attention. I saw Paolo's reflection on the window so I got up from the chair and talked to him.

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