(2) I got bitten by a....

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Chapter 2

I woke up in my bed having a throbbing headache. It felt like my head was going to blow up. What the hell happened last night anyway?

"Good you're awake. What do you want for breakfast?" a girl asked me.

"Huh? Wait, who are you? Better yet, where am I?" I was so confused right now, my first night in London and I don't know where the hell I am.

"You're at my house. So?"

"You're house?"

"Yes. So, what?"

"So what?"

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"I don't want anything. What I need, is to leave right now."

"At least drink coffee or an aspirin to make the headache go."

"Alright I'll drink some coffee." I actually needed coffee right now; I need to get fully awake. And I still feel nauseous.

"Okay, coffee it is then."

How the hell did I got here? Who's that girl? And why can't I remember anything? She was back and she was holding two mugs, the other one was black and I'm guessing mine was with the cream, coz I actually don't like black coffee.

"Thanks. So can you please answer my question now?"

"Sure. What's your question?"

"Who are you?" that was the first thing that came into my mind.

"My name is Jane. I'm actually hurt that you don't remember me. We were just talking the other night." She said. I was stunned by what she said.

"The other night?"

"Yea, you blacked out when I asked you your name."

"You mean, I've been here a whole day yesterday?"

"Yep." She made a popping sound with the letter p.

"Shit! My cousin must be worrying about me by now."

"Hmmmm. Yea he might be worrying. He called your cell like a hundred times. Don't worry, I told him you were with me. He kinda sounded very amused."

"He must be thinking that we hooked up.......... Well did we?"

"Oh no, when you blacked out I just decided that I shouldn't just leave you on the bench."

"Oh yea, now I remember. You were that beautiful girl wearing a black dress right?"

"Yes, and thank you."

"What happened to me? Why did I black out?" I asked her.

"Coz I was hungry." She said.

"Huh? What's the connection with your hunger?"

"Oh nothing."

I just dropped the subject I shouldn't be thinking about that, I should leave this house and go back to the hotel.

"Hey Jane, I really need to leave now. Can you tell me how to go back to RITZ HOTEL?"

"Oh you can't leave right now. It's still morning."

"It's morning? Then why the hell is it dark here?"

"Coz the curtains are blocking the window."


"I don't really like the sun." She said smiling.

This girl is really freaking me out. Why does this beautiful girl has to be weird?

I got bitten by a....Where stories live. Discover now