(10) I got bitten by a....

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Chapter 10


I've been in here for 3 days now, she only comes here to give me food, or when I needed to use the bathroom. I need to get out of here. Why haven't they killed me yet?

Somebody walked in the room, and this time she wasn't alone, she's with two other Vampires with her. The other two were standing on each side of the bed, while she was at the foot of the bed.

"What is this, a covenant? You gonna turn me into one of you now? "I said.

"No..... We're just going to ask you some questions silly." The girl said.

"I don't know anything." I answered looking away.

"See you guys? I told you he's not going to talk." She said to the other two.

"We haven't even asked him anything yet." The man said on my left side.

"Yea, but he obviously doesn't want to get interrogated. Why don't we just leave him alone?"

"Jane this is your fault why this guy is here, remember?"

"I know that, but--"

"What????? You were the one who brought me here?"

"Yea......... I'm sorry for that too. I didn't know what to do when you were unconscious."

"So you could drink every drop of my blood, that's the only reason why you brought me here!"

"Look if we wanted to drink you're blood, you should be dead right now and not arguing with us." The man on my left said.

"Then what do you want?"

"We only wanted to ask you questions." The girl answered.

"Okay, we want to introduce ourselves first. I'm Jane, and this is my brother Vince, and this here is Mike." She said, while pointing to the other two.

"What's yours?" I was hesitating to answer, so I gave them a fake name.

"My name's Oliver."

"Now, it wouldn't help you much if you're just going to lie to us." How did she know that I'm lying?

"How you ask? Coz we can read minds. All vampires read minds. So if I were you I wouldn't lie, not even a little bit." She said smiling.

How can an angelic face smile like that, when she's a monster?

"ROI." I finally said.

"See? That wasn't hard was it?"

I only glared at the three of them, silence was filling in and it was getting annoying.

"Why haven't you killed me?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"We don't drink from people."

"Pssh! Yea right!" Were they serious or just playing stupid?

"No were serious, we don't drink on people, but we drink blood."

"Donated blood, correction." That guy Mike said.

"I don't believe you, all Vampires are alike. They only kill, that's the only thing that they do. THAT YOU DO." I said looking at the three of them.

"So don't tell me that you don't drink from people, coz you're all the same. You kill for fun."

"No, we kill for survival. Mortals eats food, to survive, we drink blood to survive. Not all vampires are the same. There are vindictive vampires, they kill becoz they love it, like you said they kill for fun, but there are some who still have their human hearts in them, and couldn't bear to kill a person." The guy named Vince said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2010 ⏰

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