(6) I got bitten by a....

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Chapter 6

I needed to go back to her, but my flight is tomorrow. I have to go back to my country and be with my family, but if I go back I might kill my family coz right now I wanted to kill Paolo. What should I do? It's still early in the night so I can go back to her house, and tell them what's happening to me now.

"Paolo, I need to go out for a second, I'll be back so don't worry about me."

"Okay, should I pack your stuff?" he asked.

"No, I'll do it." I was still in the bathroom and my eyes still hasn't changed, so I left the room in a hurry. I walked again to go there, but this time I was a little faster than earlier. I was running and the adrenaline that I was feeling was incredible. I felt like I was flying, but when I saw a group of people walking towards my direction I stopped dead in my tracks and walked to the other side of the street so I can avoid them. I can feel my eyes were changing again, and I feel so helpless right now. I have to hurry back to that house and ask for Jane give me my old life back.

I can see the house now, and from this distance I couldn't believe that I can see Jane from here, she was still on that window looking down, but then she looked at me like she heard me coming. In an instant Jane was now at the front door waiting for me, so I ran. When I got to her, she just stared at me and then she hugged me. I didn't think that she should hug me after what I said to her earlier.

"I'm sorry." I told her.

"It's alright Mike, its normal for you to feel that way."

"Jane, you need make me a mortal again. Earlier when I was with my cousin my eyes changed. I look like a monster, please change me back to normal again."

"I don't know how to tell you this, but you can never go back to being normal. It doesn't go like that."

"Why did you have to make me like you. Why did everything has to change like this. Why did I have to meet someone like you?"

Jane's POV:

As I was standing in front of the window in my room, I can sense that Mike came back, when I saw him walking towards our house, I immediately ran to the front door to wait for him, he was fast he was now facing me looking in my eyes, I couldn't help myself anymore so I hugged him.

"I'm sorry." He said to me.

"It's alright Mike, its normal for you to feel that way." I was really hurt by what he told me earlier, but now that he came back, everything was forgotten.

"Jane, you need make me a mortal again. Earlier when I was with my cousin my eyes changed. I look like a monster, please change me back to normal again." He craved for blood, he couldn't handle it, and I don't blame him for feeling the lust for blood.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but you can never go back to being normal. It doesn't go like that." I feel really sorry for him, he looked so devastated.

"Why did you have to make me like you? Why did everything has to change like this. Why did I have to meet someone like you?" that hurt me. It went deep inside me that I couldn't even look at him in the eyes.

"Come inside." I ushered him to go inside the house.

He was right though. Why did I have to choose him? It was for my own good not for him. I wanted him to be with me. The instant I laid eyes on him, I felt that he was the one destined to be with me forever, and the one who will lead us on our journey to the underworld.

After Mike has calmed down, I thought I should tell him all about The Vampiric World.

"Jane, I'm hungry. I'm really hungry; I haven't fed yet except for the one that your brother made earlier this morning."

I got bitten by a....Where stories live. Discover now