(3) I got bitten by a....

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Chapter 3

When I was in our hotel suite, Paolo wasn't there, I wonder where he is?




Dammit! I can't stop thinking about her? I've only been with her for like what? A day?

*Hey stupid, wanna know why you can't stop thinking about her?*


*Coz YOU LIIIIIIIKKKKE HEEEEEER!!!!!* the stupid voice in my head was now TEASING ME? Now that's totally weird!

*Yea I know! I like her! But does it have to be like this? Not able to stop thinking about her?*

*You're really dumb man! Of course! Becoz you like her! I think I know why you can't stop it, coz she's the first girl you liked. When you were still in the Philippines, you never liked anyone there. You never talked to girls there. So now that you like someone, you're feeling the emotions right now.*

*Is that true?* Wait, why the hell am I asking myself?

I went to lie in my bed and thought that I only have 4 more days to be with Jane. Then I need go back to the Philippines to have a boring life again. Doing the same damn thing every day. I Can't go back there, my family doesn't care about me that much anyway, so why would I go back there for them? I should stay here, and be with Jane. Am I being too fast? Do I like her already that much?

The door busted open revealing a drunken Paolo with a girl beside him.

"Hey it's Mike! Dude, where have you been?" Paolo said having a stupid smile on his face.

"Well, nobody stopped you from partying even I wasn't with you." I said trying to help him to get to his bed.

"No buddy, I was looking for you!"

"Haha, yea right man."

"HI my name is Pam. Uhm what can I do to help your cousin?" The girl said while watching the two of us.

"Oh hi, I'm Mike. Can you take off his shoes, and can you get me cold water?"


Pam was back with a bottle of water in her hand.

"Uh Pam, you might want to get out of the way."


"Becoz of this." I opened the cap from the bottle and poured the water on Paolo's face.

"SHIT! WHAT THE HELL MIKE!" Paolo yelled for getting wet.

"Sorry dude but you needed to sober up alright?"


"Oh........ Yea I forgot about that. Sorry." Paolo was really pissed.

"Hey, uhm guys? I'll just go okay? Paolo, I'll call me?"

"Yea, sure babe."

"Okay. Bye."

"Who was that by the way?"

"Oh remember the Blonde girl I was dancing with the other night? That was her. She's really hot and nice." Paolo said while taking off his shirt.

"Yea, Uh sorry about the shower."

""Nah it's cool. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Who's Jane?" He said this while making that stupid smile again.

"Well, she's the most beautiful girl I have ever been with."

"I know. Coz she's the only girl you've ever been with."

"Well, that is true, but dude she's really great, I know I've only been with her for a day....." Paolo cut me off.

"A day? Dude, you've been gone for 2 days you know. Our first night here in London and you ditched your favorite good looking cousin. That hurts me you know."

"Shut up dude!" I told me throwing a towel in his face.

"Well what did you guys do?"

"I actually don't know. I remember that we were in that club partying then I went outside for some air, then I saw her, but when she asked me what my name is I blacked out."

"What do you mean you blacked out?"

"I dunno, I just work up on her bed, asking me what I want for breakfast."

"Okay, then what?"

"Nothing, we just hang, I ate dinner at her house, which is pretty BIG by the way, and then she drove me here at the hotel."

"So what's going to happen to the both of you now?"

"I kinda asked her out again, and she said yes."

"Alright! See you didn't actually need me to pick up some girls here."

"I guess so."

The next day.....

I woke up at around 1 in the afternoon, I immediately thought about Jane. A couple more hours and I will see her angelic face again.

*Hey stupid, how are you going to contact her? You don't have her number and you don't know where she lives.*

I thought about it, and the stupid voice was right! I didn't have her number and I didn't know where she lives! Shit! Now what!? How the hell am I going to contact her!?

Paolo got out of the bathroom, and he was kinda looking at me a little bit weird.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Hey dude, did a BAT bite your neck or what?"

"Huh?" What the hell was he talking about?

"Have you seen your neck?"

I went straight for a mirror to take a look at my neck and surely there this marks on my neck.

"What's this?" It was still a little pink-ish.

"Dunno dude, as long as it's not contagious were good."

I just ignored the marks on my neck and thought about how am I going to see Jane tonight?

"Dude, I'm just gonna go out for a little while. I'm just going to be with Pam, so if you needed something just call me at my cell alright?"

"Yea, sure dude."

I ate lunch, and took a shower. I was alone in the suite and I'm getting really bored. So I decided to go out for a while, when I was in the street my skin felt like it was burning. What the hell? Besides that my eyes can't take the sunlight. So I went back to the suite, took a jacket out of my bag and I tried to look for Paolo's glasses. Now that I have my protection from the sun which is really weird becoz something like this never happened to me. I got out of the street again wearing the jacket and glasses. While I was walking I suddenly craved for something, but I didn't know what.

The sun is now setting and I still haven't made a way how I'm going to contact Jane. Maybe that was the last time I'm ever going to see her. I went back to that club where I first saw her and sat on the bench.

"Mike?" That voice? The Angelic Voice..... When I turned there she was.


............................... ............................... ...............................

SORRY this chapter was short....

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