(8) I got bitten by a....

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Chapter 8

Vince's POV:

I sensed a Nagual that got out of Hibernation. I sensed it when Mike and I first started our training, it's been a week now and Mike is getting better with things. Jane thought him about the mind stuff skills of a vampire. She thought him about healing; blocking your mind when someone's invading it, throw something with just telepathy. While I thought him about the physical stuff, he learns fast and he's now good with everything. It's really amazing coz it's only been a week and he's now excellent with some stuff that you can't just learn for a week. He can really help us over power the Naguals.

A Nagual can transform into animals like jaguars, mountain lions, and panthers, anything that's cat like. The Nagual is the animal into which certain powerful men can transform themselves to do evil. Naguals are mortals too, but when a person who is to receive his nagual traditionally goes to an isolated spot and sleeps there; the animal that appears in his dreams or that confronts him when he awakens will thereafter be his particular nagual. It is believed that the first creature to cross over the ashes spread before a newborn baby becomes that child's nagual.

I don't know if the Hunters know about the Naguals, but I'm pretty sure that they do. The hunters are a pain in the ass in the Vampiric World, yea I know they SUCK!

We need to be ready for the next war against the Naguals. This is going to be hard. A lot of mortals will definitely be harmed when this happens.


"I think I got one here." I was following a vampire and this is going to be my 24th kill, if I slay this two tonight.

When I got close to them, the girl turned around with menacing eyes. My hand was in my jacket pocket holding my stake. I tripped over a hump and almost blew my cover.

"Oh...... Excuse me ma'am." I thought I heard the man growl. Her eyes instantly changed back from normal. She thought that they weren't in danger. She was now looking at me like she was a little child who doesn't know anything in the world. Looking all innocent, well this will never trick me. That's how they lure their victims.

"Oh it's alright." She said smiling looking beautiful. Vampire eyes changes slowly to red when they are starving from blood. The girl's hazel eyes weren't changing but the guy with her was.

The man she was with is glaring at me, sensing the danger that I am about to give. They both walked away, and I only stood there to watch them, the man looked back, so I didn't follow them yet. When I thought that nothing's going to happen............ well I thought wrong. Something painful hit me and darkness enveloped me.

Mike's POV:

Jane thought that I should get out more often, Vince didn't agree at first but she had a very good excuse. Jane said that I should be out in the open with mortal humans. I should get use to the alluring scent of their blood. Vince said that I might over power her coz I'm a new breed vampire. He was right, I feel all the power and I might hurt Jane when I couldn't handle it anymore, but she still insisted.

We were walking down the street, Jane was craving for Ice Cream, and I still can't believe that Vampires can eat human food. I thought they only drink human blood. Anyway, as we were walking Jane went rigid.

"What's the problem?" I asked her.

"I think someone's following us.... A Hunter." She said, I was now alert when the word hunter escaped from her lips. I can smell him, only ten feet behind us. He is following us; Jane looked back with menacing eyes. I think he was holding something inside his jacket. He accidentally trip over something and got really close to Jane, I was now raving mad at this guy that I growled like a beast. Jane squeezed my hand to assure me that everything will be okay.

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