(9) I got bitten by a....

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Chapter 9


"What was that all about? And why are you all wet?" Mike asked, I started glaring at him, becoz I was really pissed! That water was freezing! It was like Vince got a bucket and put dozens of ice in that bucket!

"Okay...... I guess you're not in the mood to talk."

"You think so?"

"Anyway, you do look HOT when you're WET......." Did he just said that? He was looking at me from top to bottom, looking all sexy and biting his lip.

"That's not gonna work on me mister! I'M REALLY PISSED at Vince right now, and you don't want me on my bad side Mike." He still didn't tear his gaze off me; he slowly stood up, and walked towards me. I was actually really getting nervous and tempted; he looks so amazing, especially when he's being all sexy like this.

"Babe, I think I do want you on your bad side............... in a Kinky way...." He winked at me when he said this.

Mike was now in front of me, still holding my gaze; I couldn't move or even think straight, not when he's being like this. He then put his arms on my waist, pulling me so there's no space between us, as I was staring at those gorgeous hazel eyes of his, he then pushed me on the bed roughly, I lay flat on top of my bed, and he said.....

"I think I love you Jane." He was now on top of me, kissing me passionately.

End of Recap

Jane's POV:

"Did you just say what I think it is?" He told me he loves me?

"Yea, I think i did. Wait, did that not come out right?"

"No....... It's just I'm a little shocked that's all." I can't believe it; he said the most beautiful thing. I do love him, but I honestly can't tell him that.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell you that, so you could say it to me to." He said, smiling, I was so relieved by what he said. I don't know why I can't tell him that I love him too.

"Thank you." I then hugged him.

Hours passed and we only lay on my bed doing nothing but holding each other. He really is the one for me.

Something buzzed underneath Mike and I. it was his cell phone.

"Who's calling you?" I asked, while he was looking at his phone.

"It's Paolo."

"Oh.... Well then answer it." I said, it's really nice that his cousin remembered to call him, he's been with us for 3 weeks now, including the first time we met.

"But I don't know what to say to him." He whispered, looking deeply at his phone.

"Just talk to him, tell him what you have been doing. I'm sure he just wanted to say hi." He still didn't answer his phone, so I took it from his hand and pressed ok.



"Oh, sorry this is Jane, Mike's friend."

"....... Hi, you're the girl he's been hanging out with right?"

"I think so........ unless he has another girl with him everyday......"

"Ha! Mike? With some other girl? That's not possible, he thinks of women like they're going to eat him alive, so I'm pretty sure you're the only girl." We both laughed at this and Mike was looking all curious why I'm laughing.

(I'll tell you all about it later, alright babe?) I told him.

(Okay.... Ask him if how my family's been doing?)

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